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Justice Minister confirms no drugs are produced in Thailand

Pol. Col. Thawee" explained after being questioned by the opposition whether the past year has been wasted or not, indicating that the government is handling the drug problem as an urgent matter, seeing it as destroying human quality, confirming that drugs are not produced in Thailand, saying that the next 3 years must be a regional agenda, not just a national agenda. Pol. Col. Thawee Sodsong, Minister of Justice, explained the government's policy on drugs, saying that if we ignore or ignore some issues, the information may not be comprehensive or complete, and may cause society to be distracted. The government places importance on solving the drug problem by writing in the urgent policy that it will solve the problem urgently and comprehensively, starting from the origin of distribution and cooperating with neighboring countries to intercept and control the smuggling and transportation routes of drugs, suppressing and seizing the assets of drug dealers, searching for drug users in the community to enter th e treatment process, rehab, creating jobs, education, and social rehabilitation, including having a system to monitor and help prevent recidivism in order to return quality people to society. The Minister of Justice stated that the policy may not be written very long, it is a short story, but he would like to clarify that the drug problem is a problem that destroys human quality. The most serious destruction of the country is the destruction of human quality, especially drugs, which is a major problem. Today, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) and labs throughout the country are in the examination. 'We brought every single drug in the packaging to be tested. Today, we can announce that all drugs in Thailand are not produced in Thailand. The claim that they are not produced in Thailand is whether it is chemicals, drug ingredients, packaging. The drugs come from the Golden Triangle from my visit to the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting of 10 countries + 3 (China, Japan, Korea). Everyone accepted that th e drugs come from ASEAN countries, but not from Thailand,' said Pol. Col. Thawee. Pol. Col. Thawee said that when the leader of the Prachachon Party asked whether the drug problem we have been working on over the past year has been in vain, he would like to explain that he does not like quantitative figures, such as the number of methamphetamine seizures in 2023, which was about 400 million, today it has increased to almost 1 billion, almost double. He must also say that even though the results of the survey of public satisfaction with the operations to suppress drugs in 2024 showed that it was as high as 39.2%, the government is not satisfied as long as the public is not 100% satisfied. Pol. Col. Thawee said that the drug problem we are dealing with, we may be dealing with the end result, but I would like to say that we are making drug users patients because we want our children, the new generation, and the future of the nation to be healthy. We see it as a disease of drug addiction. The brain is addicted to drugs, so it must be treated. The Narcotics Code that began in 2021 still needs to be revised. At the end, Pol. Col. Thawee confirmed that in terms of international dimension, we will be strict, not arrest and seize everything. We have a court process based on evidence, not a coercive process that must be seized first because our goal is to seize assets from major traffickers because these traffickers will not touch drugs without evidence. What they want is benefits. We will have serious cooperation on money laundering between countries. He confirmed that in the 3 years after the policy statement to the parliament, what needs to be done next is that drugs must be a regional agenda, not a national agenda because it does not only destroy Thai people, but destroys people all over the world. Source: Thai News Agency