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Kasikorn Bank joins in elevating Thai businesses to a low-carbon economy.

Bangkok: Kasikorn Bank is holding the event 'EARTH JUMP 2024 : The Edge of Action' for the second year in a row, indicating that it is a good sign for Thai businesses that are aware of the impact on the global crisis. This will affect the survival of the business. Honored by the Prime Minister giving a special lecture Along with more than 40 leaders of leading global and Thai organizations, they joined to exchange knowledge to elevate Thai businesses and society towards a low-carbon economy. Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister, gave a special speech. Projecting the country's goals and direction in solving global warming problems. From traveling to meet investors in many countries, you will see that What foreign investors are interested in are investment benefits. Neutrality, not taking sides. and clean energy Developed countries use more clean energy than developing countries. Thailand also needs clean energy, so we must start thinking and taking action. which will reduce carbon dioxide in Thailand Must prov ide knowledge to both the public and business sectors. And as for the financial sector, it is important for adjustment and must therefore be supported by both loans and the capital market. Kasikorn Bank has been doing this for a long time and has continued to provide loan support to customers. The government will issue Sustainability-Linked Bond to push related organizations or agencies to help implement policies that create sustainability. Currently, large companies I understand this well. But the concern lies in the supply chain if it cannot be pulled into the same philosophy. Exporting will be difficult. Sending products to sell abroad will be rejected. Therefore, it is important for green loans to have the capital to enable businesses to transform. Because we can't leave anyone behind. Miss Khattiya Inthawichai, Chief Executive Officer Kasikorn Bank said that the growth rate of GDP in many countries is inversely related to the rate of carbon dioxide emissions, that is, the higher the GDP growth, the more The lower the rate of carbon dioxide emissions, the lower the rate of carbon dioxide. Due to awareness of the importance of the environment Resulting in adjustment and change lifestyle together with innovation potential and various technologies To lay the foundation for various structures To be able to expand and create various opportunities while in Thailand Likely to send a positive signal as well. This is a good start that sees the GDP recovering, in contrast to the reduction in carbon emissions. This is good news that shows that every sector has clearly begun to give importance to the environment. which will enable us to lead Thailand towards a low-carbon economy It's not a matter of any one person. But it is something that everyone must work together. Therefore, it is necessary to set common rules. This year, this picture is becoming more and more clear. The Bank knows that it is important to support businesses to be aware of the impacts of global warming. The Bank has therefore organized this event for the second year in a row so that attendees can learn about the direction of the country's goals. Tax regulations both within and outside the country as well as financial and investment rules Including sharing experiences of adjustment from various businesses. that have taken action and seen tangible results. However, Kasikorn Bank supports loans and investments for sustainability (Sustainable Financing and Investment) with a cumulative total (2022-2023) of 73,397 million baht at the end of 2023 and is expected to There will be a total accumulated amount of 100 billion baht by 2024. For EARTH JUMP 2024: The Edge of Action, it is a Carbon Neutral Event. Greenhouse gas emissions from all event activities are calculated to compensate for the amount of greenhouse gases emitted. and receive design support All exhibition structures and event decoration materials are produced from SCG Packaging Public Company Limited or SCGP, which can be reused to make this event as environmentally friendly as possible. Source: T hai News Agency