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Internal Affairs

keep an eye on the big meeting Choosing the leader of the Democratic Party

Bangkok, July 9th- Keep an eye out! Democrat Party leader Abhisit attended the general meeting, refusing to give an interview. asked to wait for the general meeting

Reporters reported that The Democrat Party held an extraordinary general meeting for the year 2023 to elect a new party leader and executive committee. according to political party regulations After Mr. Jurin Laksanawisit resigned from the party leader where other party leaders who have gradually arrived are Mr. Chuan Leekpai, Mr. Niphon Boonyamanee, Mr. Chaichana Dejdecho, Ms. Mallika Boonmeetrakul, at 08.45, Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva, former party leader, arrives Party members came to welcome which Mr. Abhisit declined to give an interview

When reporters tried to ask if today he would be nominated and be a dark horse as a party leader candidate, Abhisit briefly said that he had said it before. Please wait in the meeting only. As for whether there will be support in the meeting or not, Mr. Abhisit said, “I've said it all. Wait at the meeting.” The reporter further asked if he would come back this time to recover the party crisis. And rebrand the party, right? Mr. Abhisit said, "I will speak at the meeting."

Mr. Suchatwee Suwansawat The chairman of the party's Bangkok policy working group confirmed today that he would not run for the position of party leader at all. When asked if there were dark horses competing for the nomination, Mr. Suchatvee said he did not know but was not sure. Because there are many people nominated And there may be additional applicants. As for what qualifications are suitable to be the leader of the party, Mr. Suchatwee reiterated that must lead the Democrat Party to change. which believes that everyone thinks about this

Mr. Jurin Laksanawisit, former leader of the Democrat Party, said that the selection of the new party leader depends on the new party executive committee. who do not know who Have to wait for the election results first. But Democrats have an important mission as a political party that is a political institution. to move on to serve the public and must serve as the main political institution in driving the democratic regime with the King as Head of State to be sustainable

It is not known yet. Who are the party leader candidates? which the person who becomes the leader of the party must voluntarily which is regarded as the heart and the meeting will choose They must be qualified according to the party's regulations. Which these qualities seem ordinary, but not extraordinary. If taken together, they will be party leaders. Mr. Jurin also said that the vision that each candidate for party leadership must speak for 7 minutes is part of the decision. choose party leader and considered normal

Mr. Jurin also hopes today's change of party leadership will help lead the Democrat Party forward. because it has been proven and lived up to 77 years, entering its 78th year. because of honesty and the party has an ideology adhere to democracy As for the guidelines after this, how will the party be rebranded? Mr. Jurin said that the party already has an ideology. which is the essence can't do anything else

Reporters reported that this meeting was Mrs. Nualphan Lamsam or Madame Pang. Join in the observation. By smiling and greeting to the media and briefly saying that Father is a voter In which the reporter tried to inquire whether she would see Madam Pang in the political field or not. But Madam Pang replied jokingly that "Making football more fun" There are already people cheering in my heart. .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency