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Kim Jong-un’s pin seen as move to solidify status as sole leader: unification ministry

A pin featuring the solitary portrait of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is perceived as an effort to reinforce his position as the sole leader, Seoul's unification ministry said Monday. A photograph from the state-run Korean Central News Agency, published Sunday, showed the pin prominently displayed on the suit jackets of all North Korean officials attending a plenary meeting of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea's 8th Central Committee on Friday. It marks the first confirmed instance of pins exclusively featuring Kim's portrait being used. "This is part of a move to obscure the legacies of previous leaders and establish Kim Jong-un's authority as a sole leader," said Kim In-ae, the deputy spokesperson for the ministry, during a press briefing. The deputy spokesperson said the move appears to be aimed at strengthening internal cohesion and legitimizing Kim's rule amid increasing public dissatisfaction due to economic hardships and the influx of external cultural content, such as K-pop dramas. She said that the idolization of Kim Jong-un began in earnest around 2021, marking his 10th year in power. The pin featuring Kim Il-sung, North Korea's founder, began production and distribution in November 1970, while his successor Kim Jong-il's pin started being produced in February 1992 for his 50th birthday celebration. Since Kim Jong-il's death in December 2011, pins with dual portraits of the two late leaders have been widely distributed to the public. A portrait pin, a key symbol of the Kim family's cult of personality, must be worn by everyone in North Korea, from ordinary citizens to top officials. However, it is still unclear whether Kim Jung-un's pins are being worn by ordinary citizens. The wearing of Kim Jong-un portrait pins by senior party officials during significant events like the plenary meeting could also be a temporary measure to emphasize loyalty to Kim Jong-un during the proceedings. Source: Yonhap News Agency