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KMUTNB opens the “Innovation and Digital Technology Learning Center”

KMUTNB opens the "Innovation and Digital Technology Learning Center" KMUTNB Techno Park to further drive the economy for the future. Bangkok 21 Feb. 2024 - Professor Dr. Teerawut Bunyasopon, President of the Council of King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB), along with Professor Dr. Suchart Siangchin, President and Ms. Pochanee Kongkalai, Assistant General Manager. etc. Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited, Assistant Professor Preecha Ongaree, Director of KMUTNB Techno Park, participated in the opening ceremony. 'Innovative Learning Center and digital technology' Technology Park King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB Techno Park) on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the university's founding, with the objective of responding to the mission of KMUTNB Techno Park that covers the development of all 3 university campuses as appropriate and in the context of each area and is a central agency (One Stop Service) that is a center for coordinating academic services, high-level research and industrial innovation development at the university. Has specific expertise Including being a center for research development Inventions and innovations can be commercially exploited. To be beneficial to the business and industrial development of the country and to be a center for research development. Inventions and innovations and can be used commercially According to the mechanism driving the economy for the future (New Engine of Growth) Innovation and Digital Technology Learning Center Located on the first floor of the KMUTNB Technology Park building, which has the characteristics of a Co-learning and Workshop Space that responds to learning to keep up with technology without limits. Can be flexible in Bring modern equipment and tools in the fields of robotics and automation. Industrial design systems in the digital era, energy and energy management systems Replace modern electric vehicles, etc., and install them appropriately. with that topic to train students to have skills with real tangible equipment Including responding and supporting teaching in the virtual system. It is a technology that was created to simulate various environments. both from the real environment and in the imagination with computer technology, both images and sound and can develop teaching and learning towards bringing in virtual reality Come merge with the real environment, which is called a combination of the real world and the virtual world. It is comparable to a combination of technology and engineering laboratories. and advanced information technology laboratories together And this center is flexible in teaching and learning in a variety of technologies. Able to support modification, rotation, and installation of equipment and tools to support all Science of innovation and digital technology both technology that can be actually tangible and virtual To provide a learning center for innovation and digital technology Able to organize interdisciplinary learning to keep up with rapidly changing technology. And the area of ??this center can be used for maximum benefit in all sectors. Source: Thai News Agency