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Launch of Care D + service to create harmonious communicators Institute of Dermatology

Bangkok: The Institute of Dermatology launched the Care D + team to create communicators to unite the Institute of Dermatology in the theme 'Care for life Share for Love' to create unity among patients, relatives, and public health personnel. understand Reduce the communication gap and facilitate services This is another New Year's gift that the Institute of Dermatology will give to the public. Dr. Amphon Benjaphonpitak Director General of the Department of Medical Services Said that from the policy of raising the level of 30 baht of the Ministry of Public Health The issue of building morale and encouragement for medical personnel has also been determined, with Quick Win 100 days on building a coordinated team or Care D+ that will help create understanding. Promote good relationships between patients, relatives and medical personnel, becoming "special relatives, permanent friendship" that helps communicate and understand patients who are physically and mentally ill. and relatives of patients whose hearts are hurt from fear and anxiety about the illness of a family member. To be informed of the steps and treatment guidelines Reduce misunderstandings between each other that may occur. Dr. Sakarn Bunnag, Director of the Institute of Dermatology, Department of Medical Services, added: For the Dermatology Institute, we have prepared ourselves for the operations of the Care D+ team by organizing training for the Care D + project to create coordinated communicators. which includes Officers from the screening unit Public health academic and 48 professional nurses, building on the main training of the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health. By adding in the process of receiving the services of the institution. Patients' rights to treatment Access to additional assistance beyond treatment rights, use of the institute's application to facilitate when coming to use services at the institute, etc., to create coordinated communicators who will help bridge communication gaps and create understanding. betw een patients, relatives, and medical personnel and has launched the Care D + team ready to serve the public From December 27, 2023 For the Care D+ team, the Dermatology Institute is the team that has come in to help create a new culture. By using communication skills with empathy (Empathic Communication) using the principle of our hearts. Acts as a liaison between patients, relatives, and medical personnel. to give understanding Build confidence in the people who come to receive services. which is in line with the policy of the Ministry of Public Health in upgrading and adjusting the public health service system By using care or Care, ready to embrace and take care of each other, D is good for the heart, Develop, develop communication skills. In a simple theme 'Care for life Share for Love Source: Thai News Agency