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Launch of operation to destroy black drug dealer network

Bangkok: Police crack down on drugs. Launch of Operation Mouse Hunt 2 to dismantle the network of black drug traffickers. that hides drug trafficking in the country last morning The Narcotics Suppression Police or Narcotics Suppression Bureau opened a cordon and search operation, Operation Mouse Hunt 2, which is an operation following Policy to dismantle the network of black drug traffickers hiding in the drug trade in the country. This round of operations involved cordoning off and searching mansions in 2 locations in the Udomsuk area, Phra Khanong District, to arrest suspects according to 11 arrest warrants, 10 suspects from the search. A total of 14 black foreigners were found residing in various rooms. Five people were arrested according to arrest warrants, divided into four of Nigerian nationality and one of Ivory Coast nationality, on charges of selling Class 1 narcotics. As for the remaining 5 suspects, they are being sought and prosecuted. At the same time, they were able to detain 9 people who were considered to have committed crimes under the Immigration Act 1979, consisting of 3 people who were in the country, overstayed 3 people, 1 person fled into the country, and no passports or identity documents were found for another 5 people. All of which will be taken for nationality verification and further prosecution with the Immigration Police. In addition, it was found that 1 in 9 people were found to be in violation of the immigration law. Found to be in possession of a large quantity of counterfeit US dollar bills. It is estimated that it may be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Hidden in a suitcase in room 205, claiming that the banknotes had been left by a friend. From the preliminary inspection It was found that these counterfeit banknotes were black money that had been coated with chemicals on the paper for printing counterfeit banknotes. To make it look like a real banknote This is a common method used by African organized crime groups. This kind of method has never been found in Thailand. T hey also found chemical paper used to coat counterfeit banknotes and counterfeit gold, all of which will need to be thoroughly examined. and may consider prosecuting counterfeit foreign banknotes as well. For such a process There is a situation where people gather together to stand on the sidewalks at tourist attractions in various areas and ask passersby: Do you want drugs? along with selling drugs such as ice and cocaine creating annoyance for groups of tourists in the area The Narcotics Suppression Police therefore launched an investigation. By having spies disguise themselves as tourists. Acting like a lure to buy drugs Until they were able to identify the perpetrator and issue an arrest warrant. Pol. Lt. Gen. Kirisak Tantinwachai, commander of the Narcotics Control Board, revealed that this operation was a continuation of Operation Mouse Hunt No. 1 in October 2023. At that time, seven black foreign suspects were arrested and seized. Assets of more than 2.5 million baht. Later, an investigation was carr ied out to track the behavior of black foreigners who were a network of small traders. Selling drugs in tourist areas in the Sukhumvit area until causing annoyance to tourists in the area The Narcotics Suppression Police have been following the behavior of this movement since the beginning of 2023 until they were able to issue arrest warrants for 10 offenders. All operations are in line with the Prime Minister's policy of using every legal measure to destroy drug networks and seize assets obtained from drug trafficking for the state. The Narcotics Suppression Police, in addition to arresting drug activity within the country, It also investigates and arrests networks of foreign drug dealers who illegally commit crimes in Thailand. After this, there must be further investigation and further expansion of the case in terms of financial routes. and investigate to find connections with the Thai fans of the accused group who are thought to be Nang Nok Tor who is helping with accommodations. and tracked down anothe r 5 suspects according to arrest warrants to be prosecuted. This is from the preliminary examination. It was found that this group of suspects Entering the Kingdom from 2022 using a tourist visa. Before the travel document in the country of origin was changed to a student visa Most of them have an average age of about 30 to 35 years. It has also been found that some may have behavior that is considered to be a scammer, defrauding Thais and foreigners. This matter must be further expanded. 413 Source: Thai News Agency