Thailand Recorder

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(LEAD) DP hopes to win minimum majority of 151 seats in general elections

SEOUL, The main opposition Democratic Party (DP) hopes to win as many as 151 seats in next month's general elections, the minimum majority in the 300-member National Assembly, one of the party's election officials said Tuesday. Rep. Kim Min-suk, chief situation officer in the DP's campaign committee, made the remark during a meeting of the committee, saying the April 10 elections will be a very close race where it is "very hard to secure the No. 1 party. "The situation is very fluid and too close to call," Kim said. The DP said last week it expects to secure up to 153 seats in the 300-member parliament, as it projects to win around 130 to 140 directly voted seats and 13 or more seats from proportional representative votes. "After a careful analysis and discussions, we came to the conclusion that our hope of seizing 153 seats could just be our best hope," Kim said. Other committee members gave a similar outlook. "We are in a phase where things are getting intense and competitive," said Kim Boo-kyum, a f ormer prime minister and the co-chair of the DP's campaign committee. "It would be more accurate to say that we are falling slightly behind at the moment." Later in the day, Chairman Lee Jae-myung reiterated such a goal in a press conference. "The goal we have to achieve at all costs is to become the No. 1 party," Lee said in the city of Chuncheon, 75 kilometers northeast of Seoul. "Ultimately our most important goal and task is to stop the People Power Party from securing a majority." Source: Yonhap News Agency