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Let state financial institutions create digital wallet apps.

Government House, "Chulapan" reveals that the state financial institution created a digital wallet payment app, denies spending a budget of 12 billion, insisting that no group of people will benefit. Repeating the rice pledge Ready to discuss with NACC and bring suggestions for improvement.

Mr. Chulaphan Amornvivat, Deputy Minister of Finance Mentioning the budget for preparing the digital wallet project application, it is a collaboration between the Ministry of Finance and state financial institutions. The state financial institution will develop the system. It is not produced by a private company. But it is a bank under the supervision of the state. We are currently discussing who will oversee the app. and expenses The costs do not have any numbers that are worrisome. Ready to deny the news that the cost of creating an app is as high as 12,000 million baht, saying that there is no way, no app can be developed at that price.

The application will collect necessary information. It is a new tool and mechanism to help the people. By adding 10,000 baht through the app, it pushes money into the economy under conditions of distance and duration. It is forbidden to use it in things related to vices, savings, and debt. Makes setting goals clear and worthwhile. To help any group We want to put money into specific groups such as SME business groups, tourism business groups.

As for the reason for not choosing to develop and use the existing Paotang application, Mr. Chulphan said that the functions are different and the objectives are different, such as setting conditions. The data must be in the blockchain system. which must be safe and has a transparent mechanism For past projects The information belongs to the state. But the application itself is not owned by the government. Therefore, expansion is limited. However, the new app will bring useful government information. There will be no new registration. But it is necessary to verify your identity. Because it is in accordance with the law set by the Bank of Thailand. and when the identity has been verified Then confirm the use of rights. which corresponds to the concerns of society This will make it possible to screen people who will come to exercise their rights.

Mr. Chulphan confirmed that this project has no hidden benefits. It is a transparent project. Because every baht of money is supported by the people through their ID cards. Therefore, there is no way for these funds to leak through other people's pockets. And information about the area supported in the blockchain system is more reliable than other systems. In order to follow up and check for any errors or corruption, while also emphasizing that at this time in the matter of money It has not yet been said that there will be a loan from the bank. As for the case of Mr. Worawat Euapinyakul, Phrae MP, Pheu Thai Party, came out and stated that the government has 4.8 trillion baht in extra-budget money that can be used for digital projects. Wallet, Mr. Chulphan said he didn't know, he didn't listen and didn't dare answer.

As for the news that there will be a lawsuit against the digital wallet project, Mr. Chulphan said that it's okay. The process is in accordance with legal rights and channels. At this time, the National Anti-Corruption Commission or P.C. The National Anti-Corruption Commission has set up a committee to investigate. which is good that there are government agencies helping to look carefully and carefully which he himself will go talk to the NACC himself in order to bring suggestions for improvement

As for many people worrying that the rice pledging project will be repeated, Mr. Chulphan said that it is a different matter, not the same, because this is a mechanism to stimulate the economy. Using the public as a tool And still haven't been able to find any loopholes where corruption can occur. The part where there is news that The first store must pay 3%. It's just a matter of imagination. No, because it's not crypto. It is a way to top up money into a digital wallet. People will receive 10,000 baht in full, with no deductions. At the same time, they confirm that there is nothing impossible about this project. It can definitely be done. - Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency