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‘Livestock’ speeds forward the project to stabilize pork prices according to the Pig Board resolution.

Bangkok, Director-General of the Department of Livestock Development revealed. Discuss with Modern Trade and the National Pig Farmers Association to drive the project to stabilize the price of pigs according to the Pig Board resolution. Modern Trade is ready for suppliers to purchase pigs at the farm at the prices recommended by the association. As well as buying from slaughterhouses that can be traced back to the farm. Confident that this is a measure that will stabilize the farm-gate price of pigs. Helping small farmers survive without consumers being in trouble Dr. Somchuan Veterinarian Rattanamangkhalanon Director-General of the Department of Livestock Development said Chaired a meeting to discuss ways to drive stability in farm-gate prices of pigs. along with veterinarian Boonyakrit Pinprasong, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Livestock Development In consultation with representatives of the National Pig Farmers Association, led by Mr. Sittiphan Thanakiatpinyo President of the National Pig Growers Association and modern trade, including executives from Makro Lotus Top Supermarket Foodland Go wholesale, etc. Such discussion meeting This is in accordance with the resolution of the Pig and Product Development Policy Committee meeting (Pig Board) No. 1/2024 on January 30, 2024, with the goal of mitigating the impact on pig farmers from low farm-gate prices of live pigs. than production costs At the meeting, representatives of the Modern Trade Department and the National Pig Growers Association exchanged information and concluded concrete activities to be carried out together as follows. 1. All modern trade companies take measures to request cooperation from suppliers in each area to purchase live pigs at the farm. Conforming to the price recommended by the National Pig Growers Association. 2. Every modern trade company purchases meat and pork products from slaughterhouses or gathering places that meet standards as certified by the Department of Livestock Development and can be traced back to th e farm. 3. The National Swine Raising Association requests cooperation from pig farmers to sell live pigs at the price recommended by the National Swine Raising Association. 4. Makro Company has expressed its intention to purchase piglet carcasses in frozen form and ready to cook. To be sold to suckling pig operators According to the pig price stabilization project Veterinarian Somchuan emphasized that All modern trade companies and the National Pig Farmers Association cooperate with the Department of Livestock Development. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives To drive the pig price stabilization project They will coordinate information closely. For cooperation in driving the stability of farm-gate pig prices according to the Pig Board's resolution, it will help stabilize farm-gate pig prices at a level that small-scale pig farmers can survive without making losses and not causing distress to consumers. If there are still obstacles during activities The Livestock Department will coordinate with relev ant agencies such as The Department of Internal Trade joins in helping solve obstacles. The Department of Livestock Development, as secretary of the working group for the pig price stabilization project, will be the host for continuous monitoring. Source: Thai News Agency