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Loud criticism! A very strange ceremony: “Down in a secret place” – “Phra Phayom” recommends adhering to the principles of precepts, concentration, and wisdom.

Social media criticizes the strange ceremony. "Down in a secret place" "Phra Phayom" criticizes the phenomenon 'Down in secret' arises because society lacks principles. Point out that it is not the way to end suffering. The more you do it, the more you fall. Advice on adhering to the principles of precepts, concentration, and wisdom. This is a very strange ceremony. It is called "Longna in secret." The master of the ceremony uses gold leaf placed on the cheeks of the buttocks. Ready to chant the mantra "Maha Wian Maha Wian" before using the mouth and tongue to touch the buttocks of the person performing the ceremony. causing people to criticize widely Until it became a sensation in the online world today. Because I've only ever seen one with a golden face. or gilded tattooed hands According to the belief that it is for good fortune and wealth in business. Reporters contacted Acharn Man. Master who performs tattooing ceremonies at Ban Khok Kong, Rattanaburi District, Surin Province, to request an interview. Found that Achan Man was busy working in another province. Will return home in April. Master Man's younger sister said that Master had been performing fortune-enhancing ceremonies for a long time. But after the aforementioned clip appeared, he had just seen that teachers do this too. I've usually seen teachers enhance their prestige in general, such as tattooing their bodies and applying gold on their faces. and other Moo lines According to the disciples, where should they go on the body? Most of the people who came to work with the teachers did very well. of the main teachers Then you will become a white line, increasing your prestige, kindness, popularity, and making you rich in business. Meanwhile, villagers in the nearby area said that Achan Man was a good-natured person. I once gave a talisman like a ring. and told himself that Grandma would soon be prosperous After receiving the magical gift from the teacher My family life, finances, and fortune are getting better and better, no illnesses, good health. I am 73 years old and have no illnesses. Normally, when a teacher remembers to do a tattoo ceremony on the front of the buttocks. I will close the door so no one can see. After seeing this clip, I feel good and respect the teacher very much. It's all just personal beliefs. Because doing it makes me feel comfortable. And the teacher did not deceive anyone. Regarding the Royal Direction or Phra Phayom Kanlayano, the abbot of Wat Suan Kaew, he sees that at present obscene, perverted, and perverted ceremonies are increasingly occurring because people lack a foothold or have lost their footing. When something swings, they grab it first. become ugly People who believe in a way that is not a way to end suffering If you do it to create the charm of love and affection It equals even more decline. Ready to advise those who haven't done it yet, don't do it. By adhering to the principles of morality, concentration, and wisdom, it will be the best. Clarifies that "Napapip" does as the customer requests. Recently, the m aster who performed the ceremony opened up to the Thai News Agency, confirming that the "Napapip" ceremony was a customer request. Ready to do at any point Not worried about negative trends Claiming not to deceive anyone Master Man, Master performs the ceremony. Came out to give an open-hearted interview with the Thai News Agency news team. Revealing the process of the ceremony in secret. Normally, their office will accept applications as normal, including the face, arms, neck, and hands, depending on where the customer asks them to apply. Depends on voluntary But some customers stated that they wanted to do it on the butt area. Because of using the body to work I'd like to do it under the shade. which he will use mantra "Maha Wian - Maha Wian" As for how effective it will be? Depends on each person Each point uses different spells. Depends on customer needs Wherever the customer wants to be done, the teacher can do it all. Ready to confirm that he did not do it because he had sexual desire or lust to satisf y his own desires. Acharn Man also confirmed that the ceremony has been going on for a long time. He studied from ancient texts. From a local teacher in Surin Province. At first I used it and proved it to myself and it was effective. So I want to help people. I've been doing this for more than 10 years and most of the people who came here did it for the first time and got results. Came back and repeated it again. As for the teacher's fee, it will range from a few hundred baht or more. There will be equipment such as a teacher's stick, iron plate, beeswax, and female and male mannequins. and chanting mantras throughout the ritual As for those who disagreed, they complained. He considers it normal and has no effect on himself, but he accepts that Phra Achan Phayom came out to protest this ritual. Source: Thai News Agency