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Mae Taeng Cooperative Settlement Respond to government policy Encourage the cultivation of soybeans behind rice fields to increase income.

Mae Taeng Cooperative Settlement Respond to government and Ministry of Agriculture policies. Accelerating the drive for high-value agriculture by planting soybeans behind the rice fields to increase income. To improve the quality of life of farmers through the Mae Taeng Settlement Cooperative Limited. Farmers are pleased to have income all year after Captain Thammanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives. presided over the opening ceremony 'Innovation to strengthen Thai soybeans Increase farmers' income" in Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province at the end of 2023, along with providing policies to agencies in the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives to drive high-value agricultural projects. According to the government policy "Leading markets, supplementary innovations, increasing income" to raise the income of farmer households to increase 3 times in 2027, starting with a pilot project in Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province, because it is a source of quality soybean cultivation that can generate income for farmers. very good Soybean is one of the country's most important economic crops that is used as a raw material in the food industry. But currently Thailand produces only 2-30,000 tons of soybeans per year. While the market demand is as high as 3.2 million plants per year, soybeans are also a crop that uses little water. Therefore, it is suitable to be planted during the dry season instead of growing rice. It also has high minerals and benefits to the soil. This allows farmers to use the area after planting soybeans to grow other types of crops in rotation to get better returns as well. For this reason, the Cooperative Promotion Department by Mae Taeng Cooperative Settlement Therefore, we are accelerating the drive to plant soybeans behind the rice fields. Through the Mae Taeng Settlement Cooperative Limited to support various production factors, including providing funds for members. Mr. Prayut Penmun, Director of Mae Taeng Cooperative Settlement Department of Cooperative Promotion Revealed that Mae Taeng Cooperative Settlement It has a total area of ??14,798 rai and has a total of 2,200 farmers, most of whom are engaged in agriculture. Mainly farming rice. Alternating with soybeans from rice fields and corn for animal feed. The rice grown will be San Pa Tong 1 sticky rice. After the harvest season is finished, it will continue with planting soybeans. Use the Chiang Mai 60 variety from the Chiang Mai Plant Seed Research and Development Center. At present, the Mae Taeng Cooperative Settlement area There is an area of ??about 800 rai of soybean cultivation, with an average yield of 280-400 kilograms/rai. There are about 100 soybean farmers, only those who are members of the Mae Taeng Industrial Estate Cooperative Limited, and there is a tendency to expand their planting area more and more after finding that they can generate income. Add to member farmers The director of the Mae Taeng Cooperative Settlement further revealed that farmers are now starting to turn to growing more soybeans be hind their rice fields. This is because soybean prices have improved over the past few years. and there is a clear market to support it And there are also various agencies, both government and private, coming to provide full support. This makes farmers who used to do second rice or other crops such as sweet corn and animal feed corn In the future, farmers in the area may change from growing rice to soybeans instead. 'Soybeans have been grown for a long time. Before there were about 30-40 cases, this year it increased to 100 cases. Lately, soybean prices have improved a lot. From the original price of 15-18 baht/kilogram, this year the purchase price is 21-22 baht/kilogram, while the market demand is increasing every year. This year (2024), San Patong 1 sticky rice has a good price. The purchasing cooperative is at 10.80 baht/kilogram, but the disadvantage is that it requires a lot of water. Therefore, it is more suitable to grow soybeans. As for the market, there are partner companies waiting to receive it.' oplus_0 Mr. Prayut emphasized that for assistance in the Mae Taeng Cooperative Settlement will help take care of the use of land in the Cooperative Settlement and soybean cultivation, including promoting the increase of production and income. By promoting grouping in the form of cooperatives, farmers can access resources such as technology, seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides more efficiently, and grouping helps farmers negotiate better prices for their products. Including promoting the reduction of production costs. By encouraging farmers to turn to using agricultural machinery to replace agricultural labor. Currently, there is a shortage of labor. It also promotes the Mae Taeng Settlement Cooperative Ltd. to provide access to low-interest financing. Promote increasing market opportunities Providing the market in advance By making a contract to buy and sell soybeans with trading partners. Coordinate to find buyers for soybeans Farmers have a fixed market. As well as contacting and coordinating with relevant agencies to transfer knowledge. Provide advice and guidance on various aspects to farmers in the project. oplus_0 As for the Department of Cooperative Promotion Has supported low interest loan funds. To Mae Taeng Settlement Cooperative Limited to use as capital in collecting soybeans from member farmers. According to the project to promote the cultivation of rice crops through the cooperative system, production year 2023/24, through the Cooperative Development Fund (KPS), in the fiscal year 2024, the Cooperative Development Fund has approved the loan to the Mae Taeng Settlement Cooperative Limited for collecting produce. soybeans with the amount of 3 million baht at an interest rate of 1 percent To purchase 136 tons of soybeans, about 60 tons have now been collected. Farmers have places to sell soybeans. Reduce the price monopoly mechanism from middlemen and have a stable income. dav Director of Mae Taeng Cooperative Settlement Mentioned the goal of developing soybean cultivation behind the rice fields of the industrial estate member farmers. that it requires many agencies to come together and integrate, such as the agency that takes care of seed improvement Improving soybean seeds that are resistant to disease and weather conditions To get quality seeds as the market demands. Develop knowledge for farmers and smart farmers Support revolving capital which is currently producing Finding quality seeds There is still demand for product collection. The past problem must be acknowledged that the area under soybean cultivation has decreased. Due to many factors, such as high production costs such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, labor costs, resulting in compensation from growing soybeans not worth it. Lack of good seeds High demand for labor Especially during the harvest This is an obstacle for farmers who do not have enough labor. Soybean prices are still fluctuating. Some years the price is high and some years the price is low. as well as weather conditions Diseases and pests As for marketing, there is no probl em. Because there are trading partners from both Chiang Rai and Sa Kaeo who come to buy at the place. oplus_0 Father Bunsong Tha Sa-on, a farmer who grows soybeans behind his rice fields and also holds the position of executive director of the Mae Taeng Industrial Estate Cooperative Limited, said the family has 10 rai of land, which they use to grow sticky rice in San Pa Tong 1. After the rice farming season is over, they will grow soybeans. Using the Chiang Mai 60 variety of the Chiang Mai Plant Seed Research and Development Center. Department of Agriculture But in the past the price of soybeans has not been very good. The price has only picked up in the past 1-2 years. The price is 21-22 baht per kilogram, normally only 15-18 baht. "Soybean" has been grown for a long time and has been planted since grandparents' generation Today it is still planted and will be planted after the field is finished. This year I tried growing some sweet corn. Divided in half to plant 5 rai of sweet corn and 5 rai of soybeans. This year both corn and soybeans have good prices. But corn requires more care. Next year, we will plant only soybeans as usual. Because it's easy to take care of. There are no insect pests and it can still be sold at a good price. There is not enough to sell because it is in great demand in the market,' Father Bunsong of Tha Sa-on emphasized. dav However, most recently in February. 2024 Mr. Wisit Srisuwan, Director General of the Cooperative Promotion Department Led a team to visit the soybean planting plots of farmers in the Mae Taeng Cooperative Settlement Project. Ready to promise to provide support in various areas to the Mae Taeng Industrial Estate Cooperative Limited, including production factors. Product collection location as well as low interest capital Used to drive the planting of soybeans and other economic crops to improve the quality of life of member farmers. Source: Thai News Agency