Thailand Recorder

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Major drug trafficker arrested, assets totaling 80 million baht seized

Pattani, Police, Muang Pattani Police Station military alliance Four drug suspects arrested along with 1.4 million methamphetamine tablets and 350 kilograms of ice seized. 11 items of property related to offenses, totaling more than 80 million baht, were seized. Police, Muang Pattani Police Station Join forces with Narcotics Control Board officials, the military, and the government. Four major drug offenders were arrested along with 1.4 million methamphetamine tablets, 350 bags of ice, total weight 350 kilograms, 3 cars used in the crime, 6 mobile phones, and 11 items of property related to the offense seized, worth more than 80 million baht. From the investigation, all 4 suspects confessed. Officers will collect evidence. Ready to expand the results to request court approval to issue additional arrest warrants and continue legal action. Source: Thai News Agency