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Internal Affairs

Meeting to follow up and drive policy M.T.1

Rama Garden School, "Anutin" held a meeting to follow up and drive forward the policy of Mathayom 1, preparing to hold auspicious ceremonies for the 6th anniversary of His Majesty the King's 72nd birthday. Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Chaired a meeting to follow up on the important policies of the Minister of Interior. with Mr. Songsak Songsri, Mr. Chada Thaiset and Mr. Kriang Kalptinan Deputy Minister of Interior Mr. Suthiphong Chulcharoen, Permanent Secretary, Governors of provinces throughout the country Including the heads of relevant government agencies participating. Mr. Anutin thanked the governors of all provinces for their cooperation in traveling to attend this meeting, during the past 4 months. He and every deputy minister who has worked in the Ministry of Interior along with driving the government's mission Had the opportunity to travel to visit various provinces across the country and meet the Governor. Executives in the Ministry of Interior in variou s areas and see clearly that everyone sacrifices and works fully for the country and the people We express admiration and respect for their commitment. Dedication to everyone's work The workplace has always responded to the policy. Mr. Anutin added that the important thing about this year is that it is an auspicious year. at His Majesty the King His Majesty will be 6, 72 years old on July 28, 2024. Therefore, the Ministry of Interior has many missions. We must expedite the preparation of the royal ceremony to be honorable and meaningful and a source of pride for all Thai people. Because of this matter, the Ministry of Interior It is considered a matter of utmost importance. It is a mission to understand each other. To carry out operations to benefit the nation Therefore, we would like to emphasize to all provinces. and all agencies under the Ministry of Interior Give importance to preparing for work. This celebration is to decorate various logos in offices and various government agencies, as well as provide knowledge and understanding and ask for cooperation with the public In order to make this important ceremony sacred It is unique to Thainess. Let everyone in the country know as well as people around the world who will see various ceremonies that is sacred Therefore, we must ask for cooperation from the governor. Every province has to coordinate. As well as publicizing and disseminating to business people and the public to be informed. and must make all citizens alert and show loyalty to the monarchy Mr. Anutin said that he will follow the implementation of the policy of the Minister of Interior. and Deputy Minister of Interior The policy has been entrusted to the Ministry's executives. and provincial governor What progress has been made in the 11 policies given? Was it achieved? And what support do you need from the management? It will meet between the executives of the Ministry of Interior. Both political parties Permanent government official and provincial governor to exchange opinions Ready to discuss pr oblems and various supports that the Ministry can provide. As for following up on the policy regarding PM 2.5 dust, what progress has been made? Mr. Anutin said that the risk of PM 2.5 dust has been increased by the Ministry of Interior to 11 policies, namely the clean air policy. Take opinions from provincial governors who live in the affected areas. that there are preventive control measures And how to help villagers who are experiencing dust problems. Source: Thai News Agency