Thailand Recorder

Latest News From Thailand


Meteorological Department reveals cool weather in the North, Northeast and Central in the morning – 10% thunderstorms in Bangkok.

The Meteorological Department reveals that the northern, northeastern, and central regions will have cool to cold weather in the morning. As for Bangkok-metropolitan area There is fog in the morning and hot weather during the day. There will be 10% chance of thunderstorms with strong wind gusts in some places. Meteorological Department weather forecast for the next 24 hours. The high pressure area or moderate cold air mass covering upper Thailand has weakened. This characteristic causes temperatures in upper Thailand to rise slightly. with fog in the morning and it is hot during the day The northern region still has cool to cold weather in the morning. The northeastern and central regions will have cool weather in the morning. Ask people in upper Thailand to take care of their health due to the changing weather conditions. Including increasing caution when traveling through areas with fog. while southerly and southeast winds blow over the lower central region. including Bangkok and surrounding areas and ea stern region Causing the area to have thunderstorms and strong wind gusts in some areas. People are asked to be careful of the dangers from thunderstorms and strong winds that may occur during this period. For the easterly and southeast winds blow over the Gulf of Thailand and the southern region. This characteristic causes the southern region to still have thunderstorms in some places. The wind waves in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea are moderate. The lower Gulf of Thailand has waves 1-2 meters high. In areas with thunderstorms, waves higher than 2 meters. As for the upper Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea. There are waves about 1 meter high. Far from the coast and in areas with thunderstorms the waves are more than 1 meter high. Boaters in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea are asked to navigate with caution. And avoid sailing in areas with thunderstorms. Bangkok and surrounding areas have fog in the morning. and it is hot during the day There will be thunderstorms in 10 percent of the area with strong wind gusts in some places. Lowest temperature 25-28 degrees Celsius, highest temperature 33-37 degrees Celsius.-Thai News Agency Source: Thai News Agency