Thailand Recorder

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Minister of Justice confirms doctor’s report that Thaksin is really sick.

Bangkok, Minister of Justice reveals the story of "Thaksin" confirming that after seeing the results of the doctor's report, he is indeed sick. Throw the Director-General of Corrections to explain the progress Pol.Col. Thawee Sodsong, Minister of Justice Gave an interview about the progress in the case of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, who has been staying at the police hospital for more than 120 days, that the latest medical results have been reported. It is currently in the process of the Director-General of the Department of Corrections. This is in addition to the confirmation of the illness from the doctor that it is true. There will be a working group of doctors from the Department of Corrections. The Director-General of the Department of Corrections informed back that We have checked and will report again on business days. However, disclosure of treatment results is not possible. It may only be communicated in a broad picture. Because this is a case that the public is interested in As for the case of the C hairman of the Police Commission, House of Representatives Prepare to travel to visit Mr. Thaksin at the police hospital. Minister of Justice Indicates that no books have arrived yet. Only seen in the news Emphasize that the correctional institution already has clear regulations. Reporters tried to ask: Is the issuance of the 2023 Code of Practice for the Regulations of Prison Outside Prisons completed? Minister of Justice Said that such regulations are the authority of the Director-General of the Department of Corrections. There will be a meeting of the committee. Which he himself has given a policy that the meeting should be held every month. Source: Thai News Agency