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Internal Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs reveals Myanmar border situation has improved

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs reveals the Myanmar border situation has improved. There hasn't been a shooting in 48 hours. Those who fled the area are gradually returning. Emphasize that you still need to watch closely. Confirms that Thailand is ready to act as a mediator in negotiations. Mr. Nikorndej Plankun, Director-General of the Department of Information and spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Announcing the results of the meeting of the ad hoc committee for managing the situation due to the unrest in Myanmar, it was said that the committee had followed up on the security, social and economic situation. The meeting acknowledged that the situation was highly uncertain, volatile, and expanding the area of ??hostilities. Between the opposition and the Myanmar army The Thai border and Myawaddy are strategic areas for the opposition. and the Myanmar army wants to seize 'By the trend of the past 48 hours. Everything is better People in the area did not hear the sound of the clash. National Security Council Together with the news unit, we have assessed many situations. Including the situation where there will be more people fleeing the unrest to enter Thailand. and reiterated the Thai attitude that 1. Thailand is committed to preserving the sovereignty of the Thai people. Including taking care of the safety and security of our Thai brothers and sisters. 2. Thailand does not allow its territory to be used to carry out activities against foreign governments, regardless of which side. 3. Adhere to the principles of humanity for all parties without discrimination,' Mr. Nikorndet said. Mr. Nikorndej said that the committee has assigned the work to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Responsible for communication to the Thai public. and abroad As for the Tak Province Border Command Center It will be the main agency for providing news in the area. Ready for the meeting to evaluate the situation regularly, with the National Security Council being the main security and intelligence a gency. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the main agency. in diplomatic coordination Now Thailand has coordinated the ASEAN Troika meeting. and the ASEAN Troika Plus framework Through the Chairman of ASEAN, Laos Mr. Nikorndej emphasized that the current situation is not a conflict between Thailand and Myanmar. and Thailand is not a belligerent. Everything that happened is an internal problem in Myanmar. Thailand has clear guidelines that we will provide humanitarian assistance to groups entering Thailand. both civilian groups Soldiers seeking refuge which we have international principles in providing assistance both disarmament and changing the uniform to a civilian uniform Sent to the country when the situation is calm through the principle of not sending refugees back to danger. The operation will be based on balance, stability, and international relations. and human rights principles Mr. Nikorndej said that Thailand is ready to provide humanitarian assistance. Including providing public health assistanc e Providing shelter to refugees In the past, Myanmar citizens who came to Thailand have returned in quite high numbers. It reflects that the situation has not become more serious. The situation should calm down to the extent that refugees on the Thai side are relieved of their worries and request to return. As for the impact on Thailand, it is still at a mild level. There is an impact on border trade. which is a temporary effect The committee therefore considered guidelines for managing refugees fleeing the unrest in Myanmar. Which will always be adjusted to the current situation by preparing 4 parts, consisting of 1. Normal conditions 2. Actions in the event that refugees have entered Thailand. 3.Requesting overall support from international organizations 4. Public relations to the public In addition, the committee has guidelines for setting up a subcommittee to consider details. It will consist of a main coordinator. and various agencies. The NSC will be responsible for appointing this subcommittee. Mr. Nikorndej also mentioned visiting the area along the border at Rim Moei Market. The 1st Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridge, Mae Sot District, Tak Province, of Panpree Phitthanukorn, Deputy Prime Minister. and Minister of Foreign Affairs along with Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and Suthin Khlangsaeng, Minister of Defense, said that according to the report received, Since April 21, there has been no fighting in the 2nd Friendship Bridge area. The highest number of people fleeing the unrest on the Thai side is more than 3,000, but so far most have returned. The number of people still in Thailand right now is approximately 650, and it is expected that there is a tendency for more and more refugees to return. Mr. Nikorndej further said that the Naresuan Army By the special unit Rajamnu which are stationed in the area are ready at all times If necessary, he is ready to increase his strength. We would like to emphasize that the operation of caring for those fleeing the unrest is ba sed on humanitarian principles. When people come in, there will be a reception area. To distinguish which group of people to collect data and take those people to a temporary safe area before going to the waiting area Currently, the Thai authorities have more than 50 waiting areas and the Red Cross has set up a center to receive donations from the private sector. and civil society organizations Including other organizations as well as Thai people in the area As for border trade, Mr. Nikorndet stated that it has been moderately affected. From January to March, it was found that the volume of border trade decreased by no more than 20%. But what is very important that Mr. Panpree Has visited the area is About the morale of the people which wants people along the border to have peace of mind and have confidence in the measures that the government has begun to implement Mr. Nikorndej went on to say that the morale and encouragement of the people along the border is still high. which people in the area know well that they can request to be moved to a secure area If necessary Including the Naresuan Army, there is also a set of soldiers who travel to give knowledge. and give confidence to the public to assess whether there is a risk or not in the area. This can greatly reduce the concern of the people. Mr. Nikorndej emphasized that the current situation as reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs found that The situation has improved quite a lot. However, The Thai side continues to monitor the situation. And we are still evaluating that. The situation is highly uncertain. which may change at any time 'Various agencies Thailand has a plan to handle the situation. May the people in the area be at ease. and trust that Relevant government agencies will take care of public safety as their first priority,' Nikorndet said. When asked whether there had been an evaluation at the meeting or not. As for when the Mae Sot border checkpoint will be open, Mr. Nikorndet said that it now depends on the Myanmar side. Where did the negotiations go? He knew that all parties in Myanmar recognize the importance of opening travel channels because the 2nd Friendship Bridge is one of the most important border trade channels. Therefore, it is closed because of risks. and officials on the Myanmar side were unable to perform their duties. He believes that the bridge should be opened soon. Yesterday, Mr. Panpree also discussed with the Chamber of Commerce and the private sector All parties share the same wish for border trade to return to normal as soon as possible. When asked if the Thai Government will act as a mediator in coordinating as Mr. Panpree gave an interview. What steps has the Ministry taken and what will the time frame and location be like? Mr. Nikorndej said that Thailand as a neighboring country of Myanmar and members of ASEAN Including being a country that is close to Laos. who is the chairman of ASEAN We have supported every initiative. which Thailand has proposed to hold an ASEAN TOGA meeting and ASEAN Toika Plus To find peace in Myanmar It has been sent to every country, especially Laos, which is the chairman of ASEAN. As for where it happened, there is no conclusion yet. But there is a possibility that it might happen in Thailand. If there is an appointment, we will notify you immediately. along with emphasizing that Thailand is ready to be one of those who will cause talks in Myanmar. Initially, we have not received any contact from both the Myanmar government and opposition groups. Mr. Nikorndej emphasized that the unrest occurring in Myanmar affects everyone. especially Thailand As neighboring countries with adjacent borders 'It is not only about Myanmar, but Thailand is an Advocate for Peace, so it is very normal. When the matter happened near the border of our neighbor We emphasize our position of being an active promoter of peace, being a country that wants to bring peace to conflict. It is reflected in Thailand showing its readiness as everyone knows. I am one of the people who go to help create talks between various par ties in Myanmar. If the Myanmar side sees that we are ready, they will help,' Mr. Nikorndet said. As for the case where Myanmar soldiers are carrying out an operation to retake areas in Myawaddy Province, Mr. Nikorndet said that Thai authorities are always following the news. It's not just the border area and Bangkok. We have embassies and communities, so we are constantly following information on what's going on. The situation is quite changing all the time. 'I always emphasize that we follow hourly, daily the movements of the Myanmar military. At the same time, there was also movement in the opposition. Therefore, I cannot give clear information because I myself receive reports that are constantly changing,' Mr. Nikorndet said. Mr. Nikorndej concluded by saying that As for the Thai side Haven't been contacted to act as an intermediary yet. But negotiations will begin within the Myanmar group. Source: Thai News Agency