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Internal Affairs

Ministry of Interior joins hands with anti-corruption agencies to prevent corruption in local administrative organization examinations.

Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Interior 1 invites NACC - NACC - Police to hold a meeting to set guidelines for preventing corruption in examining local government officials. Prepare to make an MOU on 26 Jan. Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior investigates after news of receiving 700,000 baht in bribes, insists that anyone who has done wrong will not be held accountable. Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Said after the meeting to discuss and determine guidelines for preventing, resisting and suppressing corruption in the competitive examination for the appointment of civil servants or local government employees in the year 2024, in the case of hiring Burapha University to organize the civil service or local government employee examination in the year 2024, that because it is a government agency and came through the selection process to hold the exam for up to 500,000 people who wanted to become local civil servants. There was no way that the Minist ry of Interior could organize the exam itself. And there is no place for holding the exam that will facilitate any corruption and can be controlled and supervised. But having universities organize exams because they have the expertise and can organize exams at any time. When asked that Burapha University had previously complained about the non-transparency of examination arrangements. Have you considered this matter? The Minister of Interior said he was not aware of the matter. Because this matter is a joint work between the state and the state. If it is dishonest, who will benefit? The media should not ask questions that will lead to corruption. Listening to it doesn't make sense. 'The news is that there is a charge of 700,000 baht to take the exam to become a local civil servant. I assigned the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior to be the chairman of the investigation to see if this matter was true or not. If it really happened 6,000 civil servants paying 700,000 baht each would be 4,2 00 million baht if the executives of the Ministry of Interior didn't know anything about it. We cannot be a ministry anymore. Confirming that no one in the Ministry of Interior at all levels will be involved in these matters. But when there is droppings and smoke, we have to check whether it is true or not. Or it could be impersonating a call center. There are actors who are not related to the Ministry but are pretending to have various relationships and deceive each other,' Mr. Anutin said. The Minister of Interior said that today's meeting was attended by agencies involved in preventing corruption. Consisting of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), the Office of the Anti-Corruption Commission in the Public Sector (NACC), the Anti-Corruption and Misconduct Division (NCCC), and if anyone is found involved in corruption, they must all be blacklisted. and strictly prosecute If found that the item was paid in money It must be completely seized from the state and on January 26th, an MOU will be signed with the relevant agencies. To make all parties comfortable The Ministry of Interior has no guidelines or ideas for corruption in local civil servant examinations. When asked before, Rajamangala University Thanyaburi Technology won the bid to organize the examination, but why was it changed to Burapha University? Mr. Anutin said that he would have to ask the Director-General of the Department of Local Administration. Because it's a matter of details. But when he received the news about the payment of 700,000 baht, he became excited. By inviting relevant agencies to discuss and solve problems. To demonstrate, we must oppose such corruption. Mr. Khajon Srichawanothai, Director-General of the Department of Local Administration (Department of Local Administration), explained the reason for changing the university to organize competitive examinations to appoint individuals as civil servants or local government employees. From Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi to Burapha University, it is a procurem ent process that has already been auctioned. and then appealed to the Comptroller General's Department. The Comptroller General's Department asked us to look at the weighing of the contracting parties. by Burapha University has weight and more experience in organizing competitive examinations than Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi As a result, Burapha University won the contest. When asked to consider past history Has there ever been a complaint about corruption after Burapha University? Director-General of the Department of Local Administration said that the committee is looking into this matter. which the committee considered and proposed There will be approximately 4-5 parts in weight, with a budget of approximately 85 million baht. There are approximately 500,000 applicants for the exam and 6,100 vacant positions. Source: Thai News Agency