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Ministry of Interior reiterates that governors across the country are strict in every aspect for Songkran.

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior emphasizes that governors across the country must integrate all sectors in the area. Take intensive measures in every dimension. To create safety and welfare of the people to welcome the Songkran Festival 2024, emphasizing reporting incidents via the safety hotline 1784 24 hours a day. Today (24 March 2024) Mr. Suthipong Chulcharoen, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, revealed that during the Songkran Festival 2024, which is a continuous holiday. It is expected that there will be people traveling to return to their hometowns, for tourism or to make merit by personal cars. or a lot of public transportation and to ensure safety in traveling for the people Reduce accidents on the road During the Songkran Festival 2024, between 11 - 17 April 2024, he therefore issued a letter of instruction to the provincial governors of every province in his capacity as the director of the Provincial Road Safety Administration Center. Use the provincial/district roa d safety administrative center mechanism. and road safety operations centers of local government organizations Join together to drive an integrated plan to prevent and reduce road accidents during the festival. and during the holidays in 2024 and the guidelines of the Ministry of Transport To ensure safety in traveling for the people. Mr. Suthipong Chulcharoen, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, said that he has ordered the governors of every province to integrate with all sectors. Drive the Road Safety Master Plan 2022 - 2027 seriously and continuously. To achieve the goal of reducing the death rate from road accidents to 12 people per 100,000 population by 2027 and achieve the national strategic goals. 'Deaths from road accidents have decreased,' resulting in safe road travel. Leads to a better quality of life for all citizens. Using mechanisms in accordance with the regulations of the Office of the Prime Minister on the prevention and reduction of road accidents 2011, integrating all agencie s in the area to drive continuous operations. including integration with the police and the government Enforce relevant laws strictly, seriously, and continuously, such as the Narcotics Act. Firearms Act Ammunition, explosives, fireworks and imitation firearms, B.E. 2490 Mr. Suthipong Chulcharoen, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, further said that he asks relevant agencies to strictly implement the framework for preventing and reducing road accidents during the Songkran Festival 2024, emphasizing law enforcement measures and proactive measures in the area. To create safety in traveling for citizens and tourists. Pay attention to safety and facilitate travel before and after the festival. So that the journey reaches the destination quickly and safely. Emphasis is placed on every province creating public relations campaign signs. to raise awareness Consciousness for safe driving Emphasis on risky behavior "don't drink and drive" to cover all areas as well. Mr. Suthiphong Chulcharoen, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior Added that To ensure safety in road use and provide convenience to the people. He therefore ordered the provinces to use the provincial/district road safety management center mechanism. Both academic units Consulting unit Rotating standby personnel to monitor road safety 24 hours a day, as well as having government agencies at the local level work together with network partners, including foundations and associations, to set up checkpoints to facilitate the citizens. Both on main routes and secondary routes throughout the country. In addition, he has instructed the administrative department to use local mechanisms, namely kamnans and village headmen, together with local government organizations, to set up "community checkpoints" to monitor, inspect, deter, and warn people who have risky behavior that may cause road accidents. road Emphasis is placed on reducing risky behavior that is the main cause of road accidents, namely drinking and driving and driving faster than the law limits. and use family mechanisms Along with taking proactive measures in the form of knocking on doors. To be a reinforcement to support the main agencies in the area. 'We ask fellow citizens to follow the various measures that the government has jointly implemented with various sectors during the Songkran Festival 2024, which may be strict in each area. This causes some difficulties for the citizens, but this is for maximum safety. and the happiness of all citizens. However, we ask that people drive carefully, not be careless, do not drive drunk, and be considerate of other road users. If you are sleepy or tired, please take a break. And if fellow citizens see anything dangerous or want to ask for help You can call the safety hotline 1784 24 hours a day for provincial governors, district chiefs, civil servants, officials, volunteers and volunteers to provide timely assistance,' Mr. Suthiphong said. Said at the end. Source: Thai News Agency