Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

“Move Forward” confirms there is no intention. ‘Corrupt and destroy’

Parliament, "Move Forward" confirms there is no intention. 'Corrode and undermine' fear that the decision of the Constitutional Court amounts to "subversion of government" and may have a negative impact on the "institution" itself. Emphasizes that it is everyone's business. Not just a party Mr. Pitha Limjaroenrat Advisor to the leader of the Forward Party along with Mr. Chaithawat Tulathon, leader of the Kao Klai Party Statement of opinions of the Forward Party after the Constitutional Court's decision, Mr. Chaithawat said that after the Constitutional Court's decision today Even though the Constitutional Court ruled that the actions of the Kaew Kaew Party were considered an exercise of rights and freedoms to overthrow the government, But the Progressive Party would like to confirm once again that We do not intend to erode, undermine, or separate the monarchy from the nation in any way. We are also concerned that this decision of the Constitutional Court may have long-term effects on Thai politics, such as affecting the power relationship between the legislature and the Constitutional Court in the future. Affects understanding and giving meaning to democracy with the King as Head of State. and the main principles of the political system are clear. which may cause things that were done in the past Both during the period of absolute monarchy or in democracy, it may be possible to overthrow the government in the present and in the future. It may affect important matters such as the interpretation of what constitutes the overthrow of government. There may be a problem where our understanding of the clear principles is inconsistent and there is ambiguity in terms of interpretation of facts and laws. Mr. Chaithawat said that the intent of today's ruling may cause problems in the balance between democracy and the monarchy. in the future Thai political system may cause Thai society to lose opportunities In using the democratic parliamentary system to find resolution to conflicts or different opinions in society in the future. Finally, today's ruling may have an impact on making the issue of the monarchy into an even more controversial issue in Thai politics. This may have a negative impact on the monarchy itself. Mr. Chaithawat said that the Kao Klai Party is grateful for all the support from the people that have been sent to us after the decision was read. However, today's ruling does not only affect the Progressive Party only. But it will affect the democracy of the country. and the rights and freedoms of every citizen So what is happening today and what consequences will there be in the future? Therefore, it is a matter for all of us, not only of the Forward Party, but also of the future of democracy with the King as Head of State. As for if there is a submission to dissolve the Kao Klai Party, what will be done? Mr. Chaithawat said. You must wait for the decision first. Can't be careless In legal terms, the decision of the Constitutional Court holds that is final cannot appeal further He was not concerned at all, but he was not careless and had not yet reached the point of dissolving the party. Because we have to wait for complete decision documents. To cope with what might happen Mr. Chaithawat also said that the issue of bail is an issue that we are concerned about. The ruling has caused uncertainty in the rules and facts of the law. including intent as well It is said that having MPs from the party go so far as to provide bail for those accused in Case 112 is considered an element. to say that we intend to overthrow the government There are problems equal to the legal criteria. which is guaranteed in the constitution which states that the principle must be assumed first No matter what charges are being accused must be considered innocent This is considered to be a contradiction and the truth is that bail for the accused or the accused, regardless of any charges, It is an exercise of the rights of every person in the justice process. There are no exceptions that have been reported to this charge. being impure No bail O r will there be a mistake as well? The party did not know that these facts were strung together. then interpret it as intentional The leader of the Kao Klai Party also said that the Constitutional Court's order had two problems: ordering the respondent in both matters to refrain from expressing opinions, speaking, writing, publishing, advertising, and communicating meanings. By other means, in order to have Section 112 of the Criminal Code repealed, does that mean that after this the Forward Party must completely prohibit talking about 112? can only speak Is it support for increasing the punishment or not? This does not include whether academics or the media can express their opinions on Section 112 or not. Report on the reconciliation of The C.P.C. proposal to amend Section 112 is also one of the items used by MPs from the Progressive Party in proposing the amendment. Last time, if based on this decision, would it be considered a proposal to overthrow the government? Because there was a proposal to reduce t he sentence and propose that the Royal Household Bureau be the one to file the complaint on behalf of the people. This is definitely a problem of clarity. And it does not count that if a law is proposed, the Constitutional Court will consider it. Without having to wait for all three terms to pass or not, this may affect problems in the future. Are you worried that there will be legal action against MPs who sign the amendment to Section 112, which is more serious than dissolution of the party? Mr. Chaithawat said I think that this is definitely something that should not have happened and that any action after this is unreasonable. Confirming that this will make the issue of the monarchy become an even more controversial issue in Thai politics, which the Kaewkai Party intends to end. Reduce the issue of the monarchy as a conflict issue in Thai society. To achieve unity and stability of democracy with the King as Head of State And the proposal of the Progressive Party intends not to make Section 112 a tool to d estroy each other's politics, not to allow anyone to monopolize loyalty to themselves and rely on Loyalty pursues personal gain which results in undeniable political conflict. If the court says that it is a campaign policy regarding amendment 112, it reduces the status of the King to being involved in political conflict. To be in conflict with the people passed the election Therefore, a political party that campaigns for loyalty to another party is not loyal to or attacks the other party. Have negative intentions towards the King Or there is a picture of the royal family on the campaign stage. Is it considered a reduction and destruction that causes the King to not be in a politically neutral position? Reporters reported that after the announcement, Mr. Pitha along with MPs from the Kao Klai Party returned to the meeting room of the House of Representatives, while MPs who were in the meeting room while the Constitutional Court read the decision. There was a serious expression on his face, such as Mr. Wirot L akkhana Adisorn, Member of Parliament for the Progressive Party. Hug with party members and fellow MPs to console them, then sit and look up. The facial expression is like sobbing. Source: Thai News Agency