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Internal Affairs

Move forward with development ‘Eastern Cocoa Products’

House, Government spokesperson reveals that the government is moving forward with development. 'Eastern Cocoa Products' with technology and innovation Promote cocoa as a main economic crop Pilot in Sa Kaeo Province Expand spatial potential Expand opportunities to connect to international markets Mr. Chai Watcharong, spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office, revealed that the Ministry of Industry Move forward according to the orders of Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. Promote and develop cocoa products in the Eastern Region From upstream, midstream and downstream, elevating the potential of the production process. Piloting the Khum Phet Cocoa Community Enterprise Group Sa Kaeo Province Ready to expand spatial potential Increase the value of border trade Expand opportunities and connect to international markets A spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office said that the Ministry of Industry drives the development of cocoa products in the eastern region. It was piloted in the Khum P het Cocoa Community Enterprise Group. Sa Kaeo Province Through the integration of cooperation between the public and private sectors Develop and enhance the potential of cocoa cultivation by applying technology and innovation in the cultivation process (Smart Farming), using technology along with local wisdom. Ready to promote networks of entrepreneurs to exchange knowledge. and develop quality in the production process In order to get cocoa products that meet the needs of the industrial sector and the market. Use technology in the processing process Product and packaging development Including developing techniques for fermenting and processing cocoa to standard quality. Towards the development of cocoa products in other forms, such as developing artificial leather products from cocoa shells. In addition, the government sees the potential of Sa Kaeo Province. In being an important border trading business city There is a border that connects with Cambodia. There is enormous value of border trade. From the gov ernment policy that wants to promote international trade It aims to create Sa Kaeo Province as a One Stop Service center to facilitate border trade. Including rushing to complete the construction of the Thai-Cambodian customs checkpoint in order to open border trade with Cambodia more fully. who believes that When the construction of the checkpoint is completed It will help increase the opportunity to expand the cocoa product market. and more connected to the international market 'The Prime Minister has ordered to focus on developing the potential of cocoa. which can make it the main economic crop of the country and is in demand in the world market Especially processed products from cocoa. which the government aims to raise comprehensively Ready to lay out plans to expand the market increase connection By believing that It will help increase the value of international trade. Affects economic growth as well as supporting Thai farmers to have a stable income,' Mr. Chai said. Source: Thai News Agency