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Moving forward thanks to tax support for political parties, number one for 3 years in a row

'Moving forward' thanks the people. Subsidize political party tax money Ranked number one for 3 years in a row. The amount of money increased 45% from the previous year. Ready to move forward with 4 missions to build the people's party.

Mr. Parit Watcharasindhu, spokesman for the Progressive Party Post on Facebook thanking people for their support of the Progressive Party. Until the party received the highest annual tax subsidy, ranking number 1 for 3 consecutive years.

Mr. Prit stated that Political parties can be born and exist. It should depend on the faith and confidence of the people. One indicator that indicates people's confidence in the Move Forward Party. Including being an important source of income that allows the Moving Forward Party to continue working. It is the support from the people that is expressed through choosing to subsidize annual taxes for the party.

Last week, the Election Commission released statistics of people who chose to support political parties through submitting personal income tax forms for the year 2022 that all income earners must submit to the Revenue Department. The Kao Kao Party not only received the number 1 support through such channels for 3 consecutive years, but also had an increase in subsidies of 45% from the previous year and a 34% increase in the number of patrons from the previous year.

In 2020, received a subsidy amount of 12.7 million baht, number of subsidies of 29,249 people, later in 2021 received a subsidy amount of 27.6 million baht, number of subsidies of 62,634 people, and in 2022 received a subsidy amount of 40.0 million baht, number of subsidies of 83,733 people.

Mr. Prit further said that in addition to confirming that we will use every baht of the subsidy worthwhile to drive the change that we dream of seeing together so that this country belongs to the people. The Progressive Party would like to repay all the support by making a promise that we will continue to build the party into a political institution and a people's party through 4 main missions.

Increase the number of members The number of members indicates the strength of the party – in 2020, which was the first year of the Forward Party, we had 19,816 members. Currently, our members have increased to 72,092 people. We aim to expand the member base to 100,000 people by the end of 2023.

Increase party member participation The Progressive Party will not yet be the people's party. If there are many members But members do not participate in any party affairs or decisions. The party will continue to develop the "Moving Forward Today" (MFP Today) application from the beginning as a source for collecting party movements from all channels connected to the party member database. Raised to be a channel for listening to party members' opinions on various matters.

Increase party personnel's attachment to party members. The Progressive Party wants members to participate in the selection of party personnel. We are moving forward quickly in appointing district representatives. that must come from the direct election of members in each area We aim to have party representatives in no less than 400 districts within 6 months and we intend that in the election of the new party executive committee that will take place at the general meeting in the early-mid of 2024, we will use a process that allows members and member representatives are more involved

Increase income from public support We want to see political parties survive on the income that comes from their members and the general public. With the amount of support per donor being small But it comes from a large number of givers. We intend to increase people's options and convenience in supporting the party through various channels, such as tax subsidies. Party membership fees, donations, product purchases

Mr. Prit concludes that all 4 missions are both goals and important indicators. that the Forward Party is moving forward to become the people's party Thank you to all the people who have supported us throughout the past period. We will repay all the past support and encouragement through our work. and invite all citizens Come join together and build a party with us.

Source: Thai News Agency