Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

“MPs moving forward” filed a complaint with the Prime Minister in the middle of parliament to correct the tribute.

Parliament, "MPs for moving forward" filed a complaint with the Prime Minister in the middle of Parliament to resolve the issue of tributes. They admitted that they were not sure whether they could be resolved or not, because the Prime Minister had previously leaked his own words about the matter of buying and selling positions. Revealing the receipts for transporting hazardous materials outside of working hours. There are no shills at all, crying out, hey, it pays tribute all over the country. The "Rong Prince" area also has a request to chase it down for him. At the meeting of the House of Representatives with Mr. Padipat Santipada, first vice president of the council Acting as chairman of the meeting The agenda for the general discussion of the government without a vote in accordance with Section 152 in the afternoon was a discussion on the justice process, tribute, and security. There were many opposition MPs who discussed extensively. At one point, Mr. Charoyuth Chaturapornprasit, MP for Bangkok, Kaew Klai Party, got up and debated that It is well known that the Settha 1 government has a soft power policy. is the flagship policy which has been claimed to be a great strategy Therefore, he would like to present another soft power. of Thailand that is very famous to foreign investors, which is "Suay" that has infiltrated deep into the Royal Thai Police (Royal Thai Police), an agency directly under the jurisdiction of Prime Minister Settha Thavisin. The tribute that they will Today's debate He would like to name it The G Pass, which is a package that clears truck routes, making it easy to pass easily, passing at any time. Mr. Charoyuth added that going back to the middle of last year. From the reveal of the notorious sticker tribute Not to mention, at the end of the year there was also an incident of a truck with a tribute sticker causing the road to collapse, but the Prime Minister came out and revealed that 80% of the tribute had disappeared. So he wondered, "Oh, if you know this deep, why did you fix the o ther 20%?" No,' Mr. Charoyuth said. Mr. Charoyuth said that trucks with six wheels or more have all regulations that must limit speed and time. To avoid rush hour Hazardous goods trucks are prohibited from being loaded outside of hours. Due to safety limitations in controlling fires If there is a fire That's why he inquired with the Traffic Police Division. which confirmed that it could not be carried But from their survey It was found that there was still running on the road during the daytime. There are runs during times of heavy traffic and under the trains. Mr. Charoyuth reveals a clip of the gas explosion on Phetchaburi Road. Ready to mourn with those who have lost Before saying that he didn't want to think about how cruel it would be if it happened on a Monday morning on a working day. Three years ago, there was an accident with a truck carrying flammable materials in the city. Moreover, at the end of last year There was an incident of a hazardous material truck overturning in their area. The question is, since the law specifies it, why can today's cars still run during the prohibited hours? The problem is because trucking tributes exist. Mr. Charoyuth revealed the name of the station on the screen for fellow members to see and stated that there was also a bill showing the expenses. That is stated to be the cost of clearing traffic routes. Approval is signed and done systematically. From the address it appears that it belongs to the State Railway of Thailand. The railway official clarified that it was the land of the encroachers. Anyway, I'll ask the Minister of Transport to help investigate. 'Hey, this is paying tribute to the whole country, Mr. President. If the president sees Available to Phitsanulok The president's house as well," Mr. Charoyuth said. Mr. Charoyuth revealed that the company accepts work from well-known companies. I would like to pass this on to companies that are business partners. Today you already know. that your partner company pays tribute Police stations range from Phra Khanong to Mae Ping. No one must be offended. There are all over the country. If you look at the amount of money You can see that it's not a lot. Thousands of baht But whether it's thousands or millions. The offense has been completed. So he had the team pretend to add Line to the list of contacts at the police station who received fees for clearing the route. It turns out that there really is a contact to contact. There is a real account number to receive the transfer. 'Last week there was news about the use of horse accounts. Senior police officer involved President That's a horse account. But this one doesn't have a horse account. Any cat account This is just one company that opened,' Mr. Charoyuth said. Mr. Charoyuth emphasized that it may be viewed as a small amount of money as a small matter. But now it has become normal in Thai society. The story he presents is only the tip of the iceberg. He sits on the special committee to consider the impact of opening entertainment venues. It was found that tribute was paid to at least 10 agencies per month. He believed that the police did not want to extort people. But the system is rotten. Anyone who wants to advance in the position must buy a ticket. Some people have to give in to the water. The head doesn't shake, the tail doesn't wag. But sometimes the tail doesn't want to wag. Mr. Charoyuth said that he was not sure whether he would be able to manage it or not. Because of the Prime Minister He spoke at a meeting of a political party. that the director position There are more disappointed than fulfilled people in this room. Because there are too many He said that the Prime Minister had said in an interview that 80% of the tribute had disappeared. Does that mean that this other 20% was fulfilled? Is this the person who asked for the position? He is hopeless if the ticket system is still normalized. When I went to look at the Prime Minister's statement, I found that There is no police policy at all. Who do the police work for these days? Certainly not for the people. M r. Charoyuth also showed documents. Request to the Prime Minister He also stated that he would like to refer the Speaker of the House of Representatives to the Prime Minister as well. In this case, everyone's name is revealed. Don't wait for history to repeat itself. After the discussion, Mr. Charoyuth went to submit the said petition documents to the Prime Minister through the chairman of the meeting. Source: Thai News Agency