Thailand Recorder

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“Ms. Mod” appoints “Lawyer Patch” to help defend “Sia Ton” case

Madam Mod' appoints 'Lawyer Patch' to help defend the case of the death of 'Sia Ton' after getting to know 'Am Cyanide' at the Central Women's Correctional Institution and talking and consulting with each other. Ms. Thanicha Eksuwanwat or Lawyer Patch revealed the case of the death of Mr. Phichit or Sia Ton in the area of ??Yang Sisurat Police Station, Maha Sarakham Province, which led to suspicions that it was a murder case by drugging his wife. She said that she came to represent Ms. Wannipa or "Jeam Mod" since June 20th. "Jeam Mod" knew Ms. Sararat or "Am Cyanide" in the Central Women's Correctional Institution and talked and consulted each other before letting her represent the original lawyer. When reporters asked if he was afraid that history would repeat itself in the case of Am Cyanide, Lawyer Patch revealed that he was not worried about this because from the evidence he had investigated, there was no evidence that Ms. Mod had committed any crime in poisoning her husband. As for the progress of th e "Am Cyanide" case, it is preparing to go to court for questioning on July 4-5. I am not worried because I am confident in the evidence that will definitely be able to prosecute the arresting police or the coordinating officers Source: Thai News Agency