Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

NACC accepts request to allow Thaksin to be treated outside prison

Bangkok, Secretary of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) accepted the request of government officials to allow "Thaksin" to receive treatment outside of prison. Is it beneficial or not? This moment is between the facts. If there is evidence, an investigation will be held. Point out if the law allows this to be done. You have to look at the use of discretion. Mr. Niwatchai Kasemmongkol, Secretary-General of the National Anti-Corruption Commission or NACC, mentioned the complaint to investigate the Director-General of the Department of Corrections and the Hospital Director, the police and political parties involved in the case of considering permission to Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, a detainee, is being treated at a hospital outside the prison. whether there was a beneficial behavior and violation of ethical standards or not; whether the NACC has accepted the request for consideration At this time, the investigation is in progress. and invite relevant people to provide information Both the Department of Corrections and the Police Hospital Because according to the steps Must get information Facts first What are the laws and procedures for these matters? This takes some time. Must check whether the people involved are government officials or not. Is there a related position? And has there been any violation of relevant laws and regulations? As for whether it is a mistake or not, you have to look at the facts. If it is found that there is actually a basis for guilt An inquiry will be held. Then invite the accused person to explain and correct the accusation. But if it is found that the law allows for action It is the use of correct judgment and there is no problem. NACC was unable to take action. If you violate the law Must check the facts. Therefore, it is still too early to say who is right or wrong. As for examining the behavior to see if it is actually beneficial or not, even though there is a law supporting Mr. Niwatchai Said that there are laws and regulations to support it and that it has not broken the law and that the law allows for this to be done. There must be separation from the matter of appropriateness. NACC cannot investigate matters of suitability or intent. If the law is followed But if it is done illegally then there will be criminal intent. If there is legal action regarding which person should be sent for treatment and the law allows for discretion, the relevant officials may use their discretion. There may also be discretion with other people. The NACC does not know who is exercising discretion with whom. As for the NACC, it will investigate whether the use of discretion is correct or not and whether the use of discretion according to the authority contained in the law is incorrect or not. Mr. Niwatchai said that it must They are checked together. But first you have to look at the law. regulations and Cabinet resolutions The line has been laid so that there is no violation. As for the later, when there is a law, do it bypass the law. Regulations and resolutions that allow this to be done You have to look at the guidelines. Whether there is discrimination or not which is considered a matter of using discretion However, if the law allows it to be done. It is accepted that the matter of checking the use of discretion is difficult. Just like in the case of a court deciding a case, there is a losing side and a winning side. It is an exercise of discretion that is allowed by law. Procedure So how do you point it out? who still do not know the facts Therefore speaking only in principle. As for the case, many parties noted that the Department of Corrections had already issued regulations to support this. And after that, he received the position of Director-General of the Department of Corrections. The NACC Secretary said that he had to look at what was done. How do you do it alone? This matter must be fact-checked and cannot be criticized before that it was done for the benefit of others. I emphasize that I want to see the facts first. Because it's just a doll problem. It's not known if it really ha ppened or not. Source: Thai News Agency