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NACC ready to adjust action plan If the government corrects possession of methamphetamine

Bangkok, Secretary-General of the ONCB reveals that the ONCB is only a law enforcement agency. If the government corrects possession of methamphetamine Ready to adjust the plan for practice As for the cannabis issue, we don't see it as a vacuum. Because there are other laws. If put back into the drug list Ready to strictly prosecute In the case that Mr. Settha Thavisin, the Prime Minister, ordered the dismantling of the ministerial regulations to solve the problem of possession of 1 methamphetamine pill making it an offense. After operational problems and legal interpretations occurred As a result, operational officials have unclear criteria for catching addicts and dealers. Therefore, they asked the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) to amend the ministerial regulations specifying the quantity that can be assumed to be in possession for consumption. By reducing the amount to 1 tablet instead of writing that the amount is small. As a principle for operators to be able to follow the spirit of the law and reque st the Royal Thai Police (Police) to clearly communicate to operators that no matter how many drug pills there are, there are It is a crime if it cannot be proven that one is an addict. You will be charged with possession without permission. He also asked the investigating officers to work harder to re-examine the intentions of being a user or a dealer, as has already been reported in the news. Office of the ONCB, Bangkok - 15 May 2024 Pol. Lt. Gen. Panurat Lakboon, Secretary-General of the ONCB, said that regarding the change of ministerial regulations It is the authority of the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) because according to the Narcotics Code 2021, Section 107, paragraph two, the determination of the quantity of drugs is considered to be a small quantity. Considered as possession for use, it is the power of the Minister of Public Health to determine, but the ONCB is only a policy implementation unit. However, he sees that the number of drug pills is not an important issue. But the important thing is that it must be based on reality. Because in the past, people who used drugs were viewed as criminals. We prosecute But when going to court If the drug is in possession of no more than 15 tablets, the court will ask the defendant whether he voluntarily receives treatment or not because there is a Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Act. Give the judge the power to use discretion in the case of possession of 15 methamphetamine pills to require treatment. So it means that he has been prosecuted. But when the Drug Law Code of 2021 was enforced This law focuses on viewing addicts as patients who need to receive treatment. How many pills will it take if they are drug addicts and voluntarily receive treatment? must enter the treatment process Pol. Lt. Gen. Panurat also said that in the case where there were news reports that drug users had hallucinations and physically harmed those around them, that He sees that those people are not just starting to use drugs. But he took it for a number of years. He also sees that in t he past we were not serious and called it neglectful in the aspect of bringing addicts to treatment. Because solving drug problems has many dimensions. It is not just prevention, suppression or seizure of property. But there is also the matter of therapy. If you focus on other dimensions There is no emphasis on treatment, so there is daily news that there are people who use drugs in the community and cause physical harm to other people. He will not say whether he agrees or disagrees with the case of prescribing one methamphetamine pill for a user, but the Narcotics Control Board is an operational unit. and is a law enforcement unit If the government makes changes, we will have to adjust our plans for implementation. Even if there is an impact, we must go ahead and plan. Police Lieutenant General Panurat also said that in the case where the law is enforced and stipulates that possession of 1 methamphetamine pill is equal to that of a user. Then there was an arrest and it appeared that the person in question h ad previously been involved in drug dealing. If that person is a merchant The officials will have to consider reporting the charges. But there must be clear circumstances and evidence that he has drug dealing behavior. Or look at it from another perspective if there were no drugs at all but the evidence found that there was a money transfer transaction. There is a financial path. Or is the telephone contact linked to a group of traders? Even if you don't have a single methamphetamine pill, you will be arrested for drug conspiracy. Police Lieutenant General Panurat said that if it is determined that possession of one amphetamine pill is assumed to be the user. If such person is in possession of two or more tablets We will have to arrest that person for possession of drugs. Possession of methamphetamine has a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison, causing the person to have to go through the court process. enter bail If there is no money for bail, they must go to prison. Must fight the case until the court iss ues a final verdict. As for the issue of the government having plans to bring marijuana back to being a drug. Police Lieutenant General Panurat said he had no opinion on this matter. It is a matter of policy, including the Board of Narcotics Control Board, himself as secretary. It must be noted that such matters also depend on the NACC board committee. The duties of the NACC board have the authority to consider as prescribed by the Narcotics Code of 2021. However, 'He confirmed that right now, marijuana is not a vacuum. Today there is a law. If the law is changed, how will it affect practice? As for now, importing and exporting marijuana If the specified steps are not followed However, it is illegal for entrepreneurs who import marijuana. If marijuana is brought back to being a drug Groups of entrepreneurs will be in violation of the law. But we have to wait for the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) to clearly define the details first. We are just an agency that follows government policy guidelines,' Pol. Lt . Gen. Panurat. Said. Source: Thai News Agency