Thailand Recorder

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‘Nantana’ points out that she wants to see the Prime Minister make history in ‘educational reform’

'Nantana' criticizes the government for not having education in its urgent policies, pointing out that she wants to see the 'PM' make history by 'reforming education', setting up a committee and being the chairman himself. In the joint parliamentary meeting to consider the policy statement of the government of Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, Prime Minister, on the second day, Ms. Nantana Nantawaropas, a member of the Senate, discussed the 10 urgent policies that the government had written, saying that there was nothing about education at all. However, we must praise the elegant words included in the policies, such as developing a flexible education system that emphasizes practical skills, promoting the unlocking of potential, and finding and helping children who have dropped out of the system. These words will be meaningful if you deeply understand the importance of education. Ms. Nantana questioned why leading companies that produce products for the future world decide to invest in Malaysia, Indonesia and V ietnam instead of Thailand. She cited the index of competitiveness of each country that found a major weakness is the efficiency of people or the workforce, both white-collar and blue-collar, which comes from the quality of our education. Currently, Thailand's education is ranked 54th out of 67 countries surveyed by the IMD. And the results of the PISA test over the past 10 years have also been continuously decreasing, including English language skills. Ms. Nantana pointed out that we hear about this problem every year, but no government has done anything substantial. So what should this government do next? She suggested the following: First, we should not let the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation solve the problem by themselves, as they have done in the past. Ms. Nantana emphasized that education is a very big issue that concerns everyone and the future of the nation because the opportunity to improve the well-being of the people is deeply related. Therefore, the operation must be integrated, set the direction for amending the law, organize the budget, personnel, and work together between the public and private sectors, including instilling new values. Second, to send a signal to various sectors, including foreign investors, I would like the Prime Minister to push this issue to become a national agenda, establishing a high-level committee on Thai education reform, chaired by the Prime Minister himself. 'I would like to see the Prime Minister make history in a matter that the previous Prime Minister never saw the importance of, which is the reform of Thai education. I would like him to look at the lessons of countries in this region, which all use education to develop human resources as the main approach to national development. Therefore, if you want to solve the economic problem sustainably, you have to start with education to develop the quality of people so that they have high potential to compete with the world. By reforming education and declarin g it a national agenda, this is the way out for Thailand,' said Ms. Nantana. Source: Thai News Agency