Thailand Recorder

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Narathiwat Opens Central Market to Release Local Farm Products

The southern border province of Narathiwat will open a central market to release local agricultural products, as farmers have found it difficult to sell and deliver them because of the COVID-19 situation.

Narathiwat Governor Jessada Jitrat urgently called a meeting on 27 July 2021 to seek ways to help local farmers by releasing their farm products, especially durian and mangosteen, which are in their peak season from July to August.

The Governor said that the central market would be in operation every day until the end of the season of the tropical fruit. At this market, he said, farmers may sell their products directly to consumers. Interested persons from various areas may also order these products online through Thailand Post services.

The Narathiwat central market would be further developed to ease the problem of selling local farm products in the long run. It would also become the central market for livestock and fishery products, but currently emphasis is placed on durian and mangosteen, which are now in season.

Moreover, Narathiwat wants to make its "Bang Nara Durian” better known among consumers. Bang Nara Durian is popular, as it is delicious and should be developed as a premium product in line with the production policy set by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.

According to the Narathiwat Agriculture Office, each year Narathiwat produces about 13,500 tons of durian and 8,700 tons of mangosteen. Traders in Narathiwat have discussed the possibility of exporting Bang Nara Durian to consumers in China.

Source: The Government Public Relations Department