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National Council for Peace and Order continues to investigate the Pattani separation movement

12 June-NSC secretary meets with security agencies Point out that making a referendum on separating Pattani for independence is illegal. ordered inspections and punishments at all levels, including politicians

General Suphot Malaniyom, secretary-general of the National Security Council (NSC), revealed after convening a meeting of relevant agencies. to assess the situation after the National Student Convoy The southern border provinces held a referendum on independence on June 7 that they received progress reports after following up on the case. which the Internal Security Operations Command, Region 2, Front (ISOC, Region 4, Office of the ) and the Provincial Police Region 9 are investigating the facts, contents of the activities that day, in what aspects? Activities on the day and social media releases Are there any illegal acts? both words and information Whether declaring a referendum for independence This is clearly unconstitutional and illegal, so it must be investigated. Which the officers are considering in detail who is in the foreground behind the people involved factual information Even though it was revealed on social media disclose to society which takes some time

“The meeting concluded in two parts, that is, let the legal department proceed with the process openly, fairly and clearly, which must check if wrongdoing is wrong or not. and take legal action as necessary. admit that what is worrying is what is publicly available. In the past, officials from local government organizations, peace councils at the sub-district level and many other mechanisms have been listening to people's opinions all along.” say

Gen. Supoj said that the second part is to proceed as Gen. Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense emphasized on building understanding. to the people in the area that what happened was illegal All operations must be legal. by having to use every dimension to talk and understand with the people and prepare a summary report Present to the Prime Minister Although not yet concluded, but reported Preliminary that the officers have already taken any action.

The division has operated in a more aggressive and violent manner during this period. NSC secretary Said that the officials already had the same database of which parties involved and which occurred in the three southern border provinces. which the government has always tried to create an understanding that there is a reason How necessary want the people of the three border provinces of the southern provinces to live well safe under applicable laws and has always tried to meet the needs of the people Although some groups have different ideas. Explains to understand the advantages and disadvantages that will occur as a result.

“I believe that everyone knows that there are any politicians involved, both in the foreground and behind the scenes. Ask the staff to take action. And it is already in the investigation results of who is involved, ”said Gen. Supoj.

During the election campaign, political parties proposed a policy to elect the governor of the southern provinces. NSC secretary general Said that the last election campaign was quite extreme and intense in many matters. Concerns the National Security Council the result of the election Although the Election Commission of Thailand (ECT) has not endorsed MPs Political parties are moving by trying to talk about the next policy. After the campaign, those policies softened. and in line with what the government is doing consistent with the existing data. But many things must be linked to the original illegal information and considered.

As for the National Security Council, will it prosecute political parties? General Suphot said that At this time, he has not been able to answer and he has not talked to the leading party to form a government that has campaigned for such a policy. confirm that this is still a domestic matter No foreign countries intervene or support. But did not rule out this issue. Because nowadays, solving problems in the area has been discussed continuously at the policy level with relevant foreign organizations.

"Foreign Organizations If going to the area, must notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will discuss with the National Security Council If the assessment does not affect national security, it will coordinate with the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC), which is responsible for taking care of it. Talk to those organizations.” Secretary-General of the NSC. say

When asked to repeat that after this, Prince of Songkhla University Will the Pattani Campus be able to organize activities that declare their intentions like this again? If it's illegal, you can't do it. Which the ISOC Region 4 front has not yet reported the offense. But about the independence referendum, it violates the law of the Constitution, Section 1, will it violate any other laws? You have to look at the behavior, evidence, and the surrounding environment. Prosecutor's office makes recommendations

As for the case of political parties participating in activities on that day But came out to deny responsibility. NSC secretary general Said that when there is an offense, it must be taken according to the law. While the university must share the responsibility or not. saw that when considering it was a normal academic activity Instead, risky activities occur. Therefore, you must check and understand with the people in the area about what happened. As for preventing this from happening again, it is important to understand. Listen to opinions in legal areas

When asked if the security department is prepared to deal with situations that may lead to retaliation How to create violence in the area? Gen. Suphot said that people understand that the idea of the government will fight or block ideas But we have to look at the context in the area that the southern border provinces have continued to solve problems. Although there are some issues that need to be improved and developed to make further progress. In addition, the name is traveling in the right direction. There is an effort to create peace and not cause violence in the area. even if there are some

“The government wants to develop the area for the people to live well. Basic public utilities Good Potential for occupation There has always been an effort to talk to those who dissent from politics and raise the level of dialogue more broadly in all sectors and groups, not just the BRN. including inviting politicians person who leads the conversation Understand and help each other solve problems. And in the past, there have been some worrying activities. which comes from encouraging people to express their opinions demands and show various positions within the framework of the law that can be done To make people understand that the government does not intend to oppress and force everyone to be Thai people. But anything that is illegal must be taken. and continue to build understanding in order to avoid breaking the law, ”said Gen. Suphot.

NSC secretary general said that during the transition of the government The security department did not have a hard time. The National Security Council has clear duties. Responsible for analyzing plan information adjust according to the environment No matter who is the government, they will present the information. by the security department role work according to duties and laws

How does the security department assess the situation after the election? Worst or worst-case, for example, there may be political conflict, rallies, insurgency. This is the direct duty of The National Security Council must be constantly prepared. Officers must be ready If the rally is peaceful, it is a matter for the authorities to ensure the safety of all parties. But if there is a violent and miserable event Police officers have to manage, prevent, stop, stop and restrain.

As for the case of Mr. Anon Nampha, the leader of the Post People's Group, mobilized the masses to join the rally to pressure the senators (senators) to vote for the prime minister. The secretary-general of the NSC said At this time, there is nothing to be worried about by the news officials. Thailand will move forward smoothly in all dimensions, that is, having a stable government without cause, with peace and confidence for the economic sector. Therefore, if everything proceeds according to the legal framework Thailand will do well.

Source: Thai News Agency