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“Nattaphon” does not agree with the draft fiscal year 2024 tourism bill.

Nattaphon" MP moves forward in debate, slamming the "Settha" policy to give Win (Wind), which means dry wind to the people, revealing 4 reasons, confirming disagreement with the draft. Annual Budget Expenditure Act 2024 for Tourism Mr. Natthaphon Towichakchaikul, Chiang Mai MP, Progressive Party, discussed the 2024 budget regarding the tourism budget. that are important to Thailand Ready to quote the policy statement of the government of Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, stating that "Generating income from tourism is a Quick-Win that will stimulate the economy in the short term." Mr. Nattaphon discussed that travel budget It is not consistent with the goals that the government has set. The budget is not directly used for tourism. Because half of it goes to building roads. And the budget does not solve important problems that affect Thailand. That is a problem that occurs internally. It is recommended that corrections should be made urgently. including budget It doesn't match man y policies. to attract tourism Mr. Nattaphon added that Looking back to the beginning of December, Mr. Settha stated that he wanted to change Thai tourism from a quick-win to a permanent-win. which he wanted to ask Mr. Settha and the government went back and asked how many matters and projects there are in this budget document, and what proportion of them are aimed at the goal called Quick-Win, and whether they can be answered or not. How many stories, how many projects, and what percentage will lead Thai tourism to success? permanent-win, but if Mr. Settha and the government cannot answer the question He said that his goal was impossible. And the people who suffer are tourism operators. Business owner merchant who still rely on income from tourism Many of whom have debt and still unable to pay off debt Since the COVID-19 period Mr. Nattaphon concluded by saying that Great tourism goals set But the budget doesn't reflect anything. Therefore, what he wants to give to the people is the word win. That means th e victory you want. But what he gave was the word Win, "Wind" which means wind. It was a budget that was set up with a goal. It was empty and confirmed that he did not agree with the draft. Budget Expenditure Act 2024 on Tourism, this issue. Source: Thai News Agency