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NBTC is afraid that digital automation will create inequality.

NBTC reveals entry into the digital economy system. Automation of work with machines And entering a data-driven economy presents both opportunities, challenges, and creates inequality. Points out that it will have an impact on employment. Businesses that can adapt will have more opportunities for growth. Recommends that the government and private sector must join forces to develop labor skills. Develop laws to facilitate doing business. Support the use of databases for doing business and setting government policy.

) The Ministry of Commerce revealed that the advancement of technology is leaps and bounds. Lower costs of accessing equipment or information It is an important stimulus that causes the traditional economic system to be driven towards a digital economy that does not rely on physical space like in the past. As a result, business operations and employment patterns have changed. This is an opportunity for those who can access and adapt to use such technology to create or develop and expand their business. At the same time, it is a challenge for the public sector. and business sectors that are unable to access or adapt to such rapidly changing technology. This may lead to an increase in economic and social inequality in Thailand. At the same time, it is also an opportunity and challenge for the government sector to prepare to build infrastructure and facilitate equal access to technology. Including finding ways to integrate jointly between the government and private sectors.

Important factors driving the economy towards a digital economy include the expansion of the platform economy, with businesses expanding rapidly in the past decade. These are all businesses born on the platform economy, such as transportation services, accommodations, online trading. and social networks, etc. Most of them have common characteristics, which is that they are “Platform businesses” that do not produce products and services themselves But it acts as an “intermediary” and moves the “market” that used to be a physical space into the digital world. As well as performing the duty of "matching" buyers and sellers. Such businesses are creating changes in the use of labor, such as cloud-based workers.

without being tied to physical space Most of which are high-skilled jobs, etc. In addition, the COVID-19 outbreak situation It is also a significant catalyst for the rapid growth of the platform business.

In addition, there is automation of work by machines (Automation), which is not limited to the industrial production sector. but also includes the use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) in management. This will be a common phenomenon from now on. This is because they have the ability to perform accurate analysis. Currently, there are only some skills that can be replaced by automation by machines. But in the future, technology may be developed to allow machines to do more work instead of people with various skills.

At the same time, moving into a data-driven economy, technological developments have increased the potential of data. which are important factors that drive the economy towards the digital economy, including:

1) Development of technology in data collection Technological device that is easy to access Append with link

via the internet Nowadays, it is possible to collect a variety of data at all times, such as car usage data, health data, home appliance usage data. As a result, the nature of the data has changed from the past reliance on surveys. and leads to the emergence of large databases. 2) The development of technology in data analysis.

with higher efficiency at lower costs and 3) the development of technology in linking and distributing information This makes data presentation more efficient and in a format that can be easily transmitted without cost. which is an important supporting factor in driving the digital economy

However, the transition to the digital economy in the aforementioned issues It has implications for economic inequality in various important areas, including employment. According to a study by McKinsey & Company, the use of automated machinery will increase production productivity by approximately 0.8-1.4 percent, as well as the nature of work. Those with repetitive work patterns will have a chance of being replaced by machines or AI by more than 50 percent. This situation will affect workers who may be laid off. And the expansion of platform businesses that do not require physical sales locations will change the employment landscape, requiring more workers with technology skills.

Competitive ability Businesses that can access and adapt to technology development

Continuing the business will have high growth opportunities. According to the Thailand Development Research Institute, businesses that can adapt to technological changes have a chance of growing 5 percent more per year. On the other hand, businesses that can't adapt have a reduced chance of growing to just 100 percent. 2.8 per year

Public policy setting Thailand can use changes in data technology such as Big data to help formulate public policies to reduce inequality. In particular, policies that focus on solving problems that require the collection of large amounts of data Including processing with artificial intelligence. However, the use of such technology in the formulation of public policy requires the integration of information between the public and private sectors.

This is from the issue of the transition to the digital economy and its implications for economic inequality. The public and private sectors need to prepare to deal with change. including developing labor skills to be ready to cope with change Ready to support technology Prepare important infrastructure such as laws that facilitate development. Secure online payments Governance to support changing competition and maintain fairness between businesses in the digital economy and traditional businesses. Improve the welfare system To support workers affected by the transition to the digital economy This includes the establishment of a separate social security fund for digital workers. and take advantage of technology to formulate policies and develop data analysis potential in formulating government policy. Support the creation of a database in collaboration with the private sector. To promote the potential of large databases and such information should be equally accessible. Including what Thailand must face, such as entering an aging society. Economic recovery after the COVID-19 outbreak and climate change, etc.

Source: Thai News Agency