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NBTC-King Prajadhipok’s Institute Organize training courses in the media and telecommunications industry

NBTC together with King Prajadhipok's Institute Organize training courses for senior executives in the media and telecommunications industry to revise and develop laws. To be able to deal with technological crimes Pol. Gen. Dr. Natthorn Phoesunthon, NBTC Legal Officer, presided over the opening speech and lecture. in the Management Certificate Program Supervision and development of broadcasting, television and telecommunications business laws at a high level (PSC), with Mr. Wittawat Chaiyapakhum, secretary-general of the King Prajadhipok's Institute, welcoming him at the King Prajadhipok's Institute. Management Certificate Program Supervision and development of laws Broadcasting business Television Business and Telecommunications Business, Advanced Level (TCS) is a course that the NBTC has joined with the King Prajadhipok's Institute. Organized with the objective To develop senior executives to have knowledge and understanding of the broadcasting business. Television business and business National Telecommun ications as well as to set the direction for driving and developing the laws for broadcasting, television, and telecommunications businesses to keep up with technological changes. and able to deal with crimes in the digital age Effectively, Pol. Gen. Natthorn said that at present communication technology is advancing rapidly. creating new and diverse services which such service It has greatly changed the communication ecosystem from the original, such as from listening to the radio or watching television. It is listening and watching through the internet in various formats. Including business Telecommunications have also changed from the past by using popular communication channels like Line or even doing Various financial transactions that is more convenient and faster However, due to the causes and factors of the emergence of new services, there are limitations in the form of gaps in the law, which is an important tool used for supervision of the NBTC. Therefore, it is necessary to develop capabilities in various areas by Only by upgrading and developing the law to be more modern than before in order to develop, fix and close various gaps that have occurred, including upgrading the level of support and combating technological crimes that occur. many at present For the reasons mentioned above, the NBTC sees the benefits of running a training program that enhances knowledge for senior executives from government and private agencies involved in broadcasting. television business and telecommunications business, with the aim of having training participants prepare academic documents on various issues that are important to Governing the present and future, such as regulating digital platforms merger Including issues that the NBTC is strictly working on, such as measures to prevent and suppress technological crimes and Measures to protect victims of technological crimes so that the NBTC can use various academic documents to upgrade and develop laws related to broadcasting businesses. Television business and telecommu nications business Keep up to date with changes in technology, aiming to bring maximum benefit to the development of the broadcasting business. Television business and telecommunications business. Source: Thai News Agency