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NBTC-Police raid Illegal telecommunications station

NBTC-police raid Illegal telecommunications station Smuggling a high-powered signal across the country more than 40 km away, aiding call center gangs. and online gambling websites Clinical Prof. Dr. Saran Boonbaichaphruek, Chairman of NBTC, Pol. Gen. Dr. Natthorn Phoesunthorn, NBTC Legal Affairs Officer, Pol. Lt. Gen. Dr. Thatchai Pithani. Labutr, Assistant Police Commander in charge of technology crime prevention and suppression, Pol. Maj. Gen. Jittipon Phonpruksa, Commander of the 4th NBTC, along with NBTC officials, jointly made a statement. Results of the arrest of illegal telecom stations It was found that a strong signal was sent across neighboring countries more than 40 km away. From the expansion of the results, it was found to be linked to a call center gang. Ready to discuss expediting the issuance of NBTC announcements regarding licensing and supervision of radio communications stations along the border. To solve the problem of illegal signal transmission helping call center gangs. Prof. Dr. Sar an said that the NBTC office responds to the government policy in cracking down on technological crimes, especially call center gangs and online gambling websites. with bases of operations along the border of neighboring countries He assigned Police General Natthorn to drive the work together with the police and related agencies. In the past, there have been continuous results of arrests. Including the drive to amend laws and regulations. In order to solve the problem of call center gangs more efficiently. Police General Natthorn said that in the past there had been a sweep and arrest of illegal telecommunications stations, arrests of illegal telecommunications equipment distribution centers, and hastening to organize cell towers along the border all over the country to prevent signal transmission. Cross to neighboring countries To eliminate factors that facilitate call center gangs and various forms of criminal organizations that have established bases along the border. Along with the NBTC's issuance of 7 i mportant measures such as suspending incoming calls from abroad in some forms, creating a service *138 refusing to receive international calls, creating a registration system for Sending bulk messages, limiting registration of multiple SIM cards, requiring identity verification, and canceling sending SMS from financial institutions with links attached. This arrest found interesting insights that from technical analysis by NBTC experts, it was found that the illegal telecommunications stations that were arrested this time were Able to broadcast strong signals for both telephone and internet signals across neighboring countries more than 40 kilometers away, supporting thousands of concurrent users. It covers an economic area of ??hundreds of square kilometers. This is an area where a large number of call center gangs are hiding. This matter is considered a big problem that everyone The parties must work together to solve the problem. Recently, the NBTC has drafted an NBTC announcement regarding the licensing and supervision of radio communications stations along the border. Set clear criteria and procedures for operators who wish to set up new cell towers in border areas. There must be a short distance from the border line and the direction of signal transmission must be turned into Thailand. And he has instructed all NBTC regional offices to inspect telecommunications stations and signal towers in their areas of responsibility. If it is found that the signal is being broadcast across neighboring countries. Hurry and coordinate with operators to make corrections and improvements if any operators fail to comply. Proceed with all relevant laws and regulations. Pol. Lt. Gen. Thatchai said that the Police Commander has ordered the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters to conduct an investigation and collect evidence to request a court warrant. This led to the arrest of the offender along with the seized items, with details as follows: NBTC, together with the NBTC, inspected and arrested radio communications stations without permission. Found illegally transmitting telephone and internet signals to neighboring countries in the area of ??Wiang Phang Kham Subdistrict, Mae Sai District. The perpetrators were arrested along with confiscated items including radio equipment, signal transmission equipment along with electricity. and a large number of signal cables with connectors which is an offense 'Having and using radio equipment communications and setting up a radio communications station without a license' according to the Radio Communications Act and 'telecommunications business operations which must be licensed' Type One license without permission' according to the Telecommunications Business Act. In this case, the arrest team dismantled all equipment and sent it to Mae Sai Police Station, Chiang Rai Province, for further legal proceedings. In this matter, he has issued a message to all police units. To join with relevant agencies to go to the area to investigate and find news. Setting up a telecommunications station is i llegal in the manner mentioned. To prevent call center gangs from easily accessing the signal like in the past. Source: Thai News Agency