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NESDB keeps an eye on influencers showing off their wealth

Bangkok, NESDB keeps an eye on influencers who show off their wealth, fearing that they will create a trend that will create a negative impact on society. Risky gambling online new generation group It is expected that worldwide the increase will be 7.4 times. Mr. Danucha Pitchayanan, Secretary-General of the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDB), said that countries in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) have as many as 13.5 million influencers, with over 2 million Thais ranking second. After Indonesia It is considered that the expansion of influencers comes partly from being a channel for generating income, including advertisements and product reviews. In 2023, it created economic value around the world of 19.01 billion USD. It is expected to increase to 140.33 billion USD by 2030, or an increase of nearly 7.4 times within 7 years. In Thailand, influencers have received a lot of attention. Because it generates relatively high incomes Average from 800 - 700,000 baht or more per post. Ther e is competition in producing content and giving importance to influencer engagement. Content is often created to become popular without considering its accuracy and appropriateness before publishing. It may cause many negative impacts on society, such as presenting information that is not true, for example, spreading fake news or information that has not been verified. Anti-Fake News Center 2023 of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society A total of 7,394 accounts were found to be considered fake news, with a total of more than 5,061 stories of fake news and distorted news. Illegal influence or persuasion, such as advertising online gambling websites through influencers, data from behavioral survey results. Online gambling among the new generation of the Gambling Problem Study Center in 2023 found that approximately 3 million new generations gamble online, with 1 in 4 being new gamblers, or more than 740,000 people, with the majority of them, 87.7 percent, having seen advertisements or received Get solic ited online which has already affected more than 1 million people Violation of rights: Some influencers were found to be reporting crime news like a drama. To create excitement and without considering the impact on victims, their families, or close persons. In addition, it was found that news was made using images of people or videos of other people to be edited into their own content without permission or without citing the source. Additionally, there are some types of content that do not violate the law. But it may lead to the creation of values ??that are wrong for society, such as Content. 'Showing off wealth' from a study by the College of Management Mahidol University found that Gen Z, 74.8 percent, are the people who like to express themselves in this way the most. or presenting a portrait that has been edited to look good Until it becomes an unrealistic beauty standard This may create wrong values ??for children and youth in society. and may affect Incurring debt to purchase goods and services The above examples reflect the negative influence influencers have on many aspects of society. which in foreign countries Clearly, specific laws for influencers have begun to be enacted, such as the People's Republic of China. Issue regulations prohibiting the dissemination of content in a way that shows off wealth. and living a life of luxury and comfort that is unrealistic The United Arab Emirates requires influencers to be registered and licensed with the National Media Council (NMC) to prevent illegal advertising. Norway and the United Kingdom require influencers to provide details of the portrait they use. Sales and advertising on social media Ready to display a mark To reduce the social pressure on beauty standards that occurs among children and youth. for Thailand There are controlling laws, such as the Act on For the fourth quarter of 2023, employment improved. by decreasing unemployment Or there is an unemployment rate of 0.81 percent, while overall in 2023 the unemployment rate is at 0.98 percent. Hou sehold debt (third quarter of 2023) expanded at a slower pace. and the ability to repay household debt decreased. Overall illnesses from surveillance diseases have greatly increased. Source: Thai News Agency