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NESDB prepares to discuss 4 agencies to discuss ZBB budget plan

Bangkok, May 22 - NESDB prepares to discuss 4 agencies to discuss a zero-based budget plan to support the MOU of 8 coalition governments that accept the "welfare state", targeting underprivileged groups.

Mr. Danucha Pichayanan, secretary-general of the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDB), said that after the 8 coalition parties prepare to prepare a MOU to reform the new budget system (zero base) ZBB. : Zero-Based Budgeting It's a different concept. Therefore, prepare to discuss with 4 main agencies in budget preparation, namely the National Assembly, the Treasury, BOT, the Bureau of the Budget. in the part of the NESDB need to accelerate research Supports the preparation of zero base estimates (ZBB) because Thailand Never made a budget like this before.

Admitted that the 2017 annual budget was delayed from preparing for the election. Therefore, it is necessary to speed up the preparation of the budget to be completed. to inject money into the system first As for the preparation of a zero-base estimate (ZBB), it may have to start in the budget of 2015-2016 and the project must be reviewed every 5 years, 10 years, because if the budget is allocated to the agency. No additional benefit, must be reviewed. Not an additional allocation every year As for any project where the money has been put in and it is beneficial, it must be allocated continuously. In order to achieve worthiness for the use of the budget, all 4 budgeting agencies therefore having to study and find a lot of information to plan Especially the study of good, bad, and successful results from some countries. Make a budget in that way.

The reporter reported that Zero-Based Budgeting ZBB. : Zero-Based Budgeting is budget allocation. taking into account the necessity and value It does not refer to the budget base (Baseline) of the previous year, which has been allocated. It is different from traditional budget allocation. May tweak the budget further. But still based on last year's budget base Make the shortcomings from the allocation of the budget of the past year. ZBB budgeting starts from zero. in all plans and policies All new statements must be carefully considered. allocated according to the importance of the policy and the situation at that time

Project Planned Budget Management (PPBS) currently in use. And the zero-based budgeting concept (Zero Based Budgeting) has different advantages and disadvantages by managing the project plan budget (PPBS) focusing on continuity plans. with long-term planning But there is a problem of performance evaluation, lack of systematicity. delay Failed to achieve the objectives of budget allocation. Zero Based Budgeting focuses on solving resource limitations. without taking into consideration the previous year's expenditure budget It is more flexible than before. The analysis must be re-analyzed every year.

Mr. Danucha added that concept of welfare state budgeting The Thailand office may have restrictions. because of the low tax base Filing tax 10-11 million people, but paying taxes for only 4 million people, different from many European countries. pay very high taxes Therefore, there is a budget to be used as welfare during old age or unemployed if Thailand wants to allocate a welfare budget. Must help target groups who have problems, disadvantages, then go in to develop better, overcome problems and stand on their own in the long term.

for the wage increase policy must be carefully considered because it affects many aspects Affecting the decision to invest in foreign countries. When investors compare wages with other countries Thailand therefore has to develop more labor skills. Minimum labor should be set. The situation of the country must be considered appropriately. Wages in each province should be set differently according to their prosperity. The cost of living ultimately depends on the discussion of the tripartite committee, that is, employers, employees and the government. Bachelor's degree students in the public sector have to set up a whole new budget. May affect the fiscal position and affect private companies. How does the cost affect the additional product price? .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency