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Newly renovated route opening: Phu Thap Boek – Ban Na Sa-ung – Ban Mak Khaeng

Loei, Opening of the newly improved route Phu Thap Boek-Ban Na Sa-ung-Ban Mak Khaeng to celebrate the 10th King's birthday, helping to alleviate the suffering of the people and connecting tourist attractions in the North and Northeast. General Charoenchai Hinthao, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army, along with Mr. Thitikorn Ngopok, Senior Forestry Officer and Director of the Royal Projects and Special Affairs Division, and Mr. Songkiat Tatayanon, Deputy Director-General of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, led representatives from various sectors to travel to the Ban Mak Khaeng Royal Park in Dan Sai District, Loei Province, to perform the opening ceremony of the Phu Thap Boek-Ban Na Sa-ung-Ban Mak Khaeng route. Consisting of the royal eulogy and blessing in front of the portrait of His Majesty the King, the opening ceremony and handover of the route along with tree seedlings to the Royal Forest Department and the National Park Department, which are responsible units of the area, as well as the planting of the Rungpheung tree, which is the tree of His Majesty King Rama X, on both sides of the road, public service activities, volunteers to develop and improve the landscape, and providing blankets to the vulnerable elderly at Wat Pa Yen Sira, as well as the giving of the portrait of His Majesty King Rama X along with educational relief bags, bicycles to share dreams and sports equipment to teachers and students of Yen Sira School, Ban Mak Khaeng, Dan Sai District, Loei Province, before the group traveled to the viewpoint at Km. 7 + 600, which will be one of the resting points where travelers along the route can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. For the Phu Thap Boek-Ban Na Sa-ung-Ban Mak Khaeng route, it was originally a dirt road that more than 280 households in the area used for their daily lives, transporting agricultural products, as well as patrolling and preventing illegal activities by government officials. However, due to the condition of the road being qu ite dilapidated, difficult to travel and taking a long time, especially during the rainy season when it cannot be used, causing hardship for local people. Therefore, the Royal Thai Army has collaborated with the Royal Forest Department and the National Park Department, along with government and private agencies, the Royal Volunteer Command Centers Regions 2 and 3, the Royal Volunteer Command Centers of Loei and Phetchabun Provinces to improve the road route, connecting Phu Thap Boek and Ban Na Sa-ung, Lom Kao District, Phetchabun Province, and Ban Mak Khaeng, Dan Sai District, Loei Province, a total distance of 14.2 kilometers. The engineering team from the Department of Military Engineering, the 2nd and 3rd Army Regions brought tools and equipment to start improving the construction by pouring reinforced concrete. The road width is 4 meters and the shoulders on each side are 1 meter wide since February 2024, which is now complete. This route improvement is one of the Royal Thai Army's celebrations on the au spicious occasion of His Majesty the King's 72nd Birthday Anniversary on July 28, 2024. The Royal Thai Army personnel have collaborated with various sectors to provide services in accordance with the royal initiative 'We Do Good Deeds with Our Hearts' to provide assistance and alleviate the suffering of local people to use in their daily lives and support government officials' efforts in protecting natural resources and the environment. It is also a route connecting important tourist attractions in two provinces: Phu Thap Boek in Phetchabun Province, Ban Mak Khaeng Royal Park, and Phu Phra in Loei Province, which promotes tourism and stimulates the local economy in another way. Source: Thai News Agency