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NIDA Poll reveals survey results that most people want a policy to suspend farmers’ debts.

NIDA Poll reveals the results of a survey of people's confidence in 10 Pheu Thai policies. Can you do it? Able to do 82 percent. Digital wallet 10,000 baht. Suspension of farmers' debts for 3 years. 48.09 percent. Bangkok Skytrain 20 baht throughout the line. Unable to do. 74 percent. Cancellation of military conscription. 41.98 percent. Minimum wage of 600 baht per day in 2027.

The opinion polling center "Nida Poll" of the National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) has revealed the results of a public survey on "Pheu Thai Party Policy" Can it be done or not?” by surveying between 30 August and 1 September 2023 from people aged 18 years and over, spread out in every region. Educational levels, occupations, and incomes throughout the country, totaling 1,310 sample units. About the policies of the Pheu Thai Party

The survey was based on probability sampling from the Master Sample database of "NIDA Poll" using Simple Random Sampling. Data was collected by telephone interview. The confidence value was set at 97.0 percent.

From a survey when people were asked about the policies of the Pheu Thai Party that people wanted, it was found that

• Suspension of farmers' debts for 3 years, both principal and interest, immediately. For example, 25 percent said they wanted it, followed by 7.33 percent said they didn't want it, 4.89 percent said they were indifferent, and 0.53 percent said they didn't answer.

• Every family has an income of not less than 20,000 baht per month. For example, 18 percent said they want it, followed by 7.94 percent said they don't want it, 5.42 percent said they don't want it, and 0.46 percent said they didn't answer.

• Digital wallet 10,000 baht for people aged 16 years and over. For example, 36 percent said they wanted it, followed by 11.91 percent said they didn't want it, 4.65 percent said they didn't want it, and 0.08 percent said they didn't answer.

• Salary for bachelor's degree graduates 25,000 baht per month by 2027. For example, 80.08 percent said they wanted it, followed by 12.67 percent said they didn't want it, 6.79 percent said they were indifferent, and 0.46 percent said they didn't answer.

• Create a people's constitution. For example, 70 percent said they wanted it, followed by 10.61 percent said they didn't want it, 8.86 percent said they were indifferent, and 1.83 percent said they didn't answer.

• All 50 districts of Bangkok have district hospitals. For example, 78.17 percent said they wanted it, followed by 10.76 percent said they didn't want it, 10.46 percent said they were neutral, and 0.61 percent said they didn't answer.

• Minimum wage of 600 baht per day by 2027. For example, 78.09 percent said they wanted it, followed by 13.51 percent said they didn't want it, 8.09 percent said they did not want it, and 0.31 percent said they did not answer.

• Organize governor elections. In the sample pilot provinces, 51 percent said they wanted it, followed by 16.87 percent said they didn't want it, 8.47 percent said they did not want it, and 1.15 percent said they did not answer.

• Bangkok Skytrain 20 baht throughout the line. For example, 90 percent said they wanted it, followed by 13.97 percent said they were indifferent, 11.37 percent said they didn't want it, and 1.76 percent said they didn't answer.

• Amend the law to cancel military conscription. For example, 32 percent said they wanted it, followed by 34.66 percent said they didn't want it, 6.56 percent said they were neutral, and 0.46 percent said they didn't answer.

When asking people about the policies of the Pheu Thai Party government that can be achieved, it was found that

• Suspend farmers' debts for 3 years, both the principal and the interest, immediately. For example, 68.32 percent said they believed it could be done, followed by 18.63 percent said they didn't believe it could be done, 12.75 percent said they weren't sure if it could be done, and 0.30 percent said it could be done. did not answer

• Digital wallet 10,000 baht for people aged 16 years and over. For example, 82 percent said they believed it could be done, followed by 29.01 percent said they didn't believe it could be done, 16.87 percent said they weren't sure whether it could be done or not, and 0.30 percent. Indicates that no answer

• Organize governor elections. In the sample pilot provinces, 98% said they believed it could be done, followed by 27.86% said they did not believe it could be done, 16.18% said they were not sure if it could be done, and 2.98% said they did not answer.

• All 50 districts of Bangkok have district hospitals. For example, 15 percent said they believed it could be done, followed by 28.63 percent said they didn't believe it could be done, 17.86 percent said they weren't sure if it could be done, and 3.36 percent said it could be done. Said he didn't answer.

• Bangkok Skytrain 20 baht throughout the line. For example, 48.09 percent said they believed it could be done, followed by 30.15 percent said they didn't believe it could be done, 18.78 percent said they weren't sure whether it could be done or not, and 2.98 percent said they didn't answer.

• Every family has an income of not less than 20,000 baht per month. For example, 31 percent said they believed they could do it. and don't believe it can be done In the same proportion, followed by 19.08 percent said they were not sure whether they could do it or not, and 0.30 percent said they did not answer.

• Amend the law to cancel military conscription. For example, 74 percent said they did not believe it could be done, followed by 39.69 percent said they believed it could be done, 15.73 percent said they were not sure whether it could be done or not, and 0.84 percent said they did not answer.

• Create a people's constitution. For example, 01 percent said they believed it could be done, followed by 35.72 percent said they didn't believe it could be done, 23.51 percent said they weren't sure if it could be done, and 1.76 percent said they didn't answer.

• Minimum wage of 600 baht per day by 2027. For example, 41.98 percent said they did not believe it could be done, followed by 37.18 percent said they believed it could be done, 20.46 percent said they were not sure whether it could be done or not, and 0.38 percent said it could be done. did not answer

• Salary for bachelor's degree holders 25,000 baht per month by 2027. For example, 41.14 percent said they did not believe they could do it, followed by 36.64 percent said they believed they could do it, 21.76 percent said they were not sure if they could do it, and 0.46 percent. Stated that he did not answer.

Source: Thai News Agency