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“Nikorn” confirms referendum question Coming from the public sector

Bangkok, "Nikorn" confirms referendum question. Coming from the public sector The report has been compiled and submitted to the Cabinet and a summary of the results of the public hearing will be revealed.

Mr. Nikorn Chamnong, chairman of the subcommittee, listened to people's opinions on the guidelines for holding the referendum. To amend the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E. 2017, addressing the demands of the people's group, the draft constitution states "Disappointing the public sector" is what the people's group drafted the constitution said. Consisting of students, youth, and the new generation, they will be truly disappointed that the results may not come out according to the needs of the group that had the opportunity to be invited into the directory as the first group. to listen to opinions And another part went in and gave honest opinions. Santi Maitri Building Government House together with specific representatives of public groups Such opinions were then recorded in a report to be submitted to the Cabinet. You definitely don't have to worry about missing it.

Mr. Nikorn added that Report on the results of listening to all groups of people Only every group, every region has summarized the results and sent them to the entire Cabinet. which the Cabinet will probably consider carefully By listening to a summary of opinions answered from every group. Whether the general public from professional groups and all regions that agree with the preparation of a new constitution without making any amendments to Section 1 and Section 2 or even the majority opinion of the Senators who do not agree with the entire amendment But instead, they agreed with the amendment section by section. At this point, there was still a risk of not being approved by up to 1/3 of the senators. There is no need to go through amending the entire document, excluding the two sections that he has always clearly expressed his disapproval of.

'In addition, information about the problems of various groups of people was presented. And in various regions there are many problems that need to be resolved in various categories. It is directly related to the people who are not Category 1 or Category 2. We therefore call on everyone, every group, to listen to these preliminary opinions with an open mind. And let it be based on the goal of achieving success in having a democratic constitution for all groups of people, all sectors, not belonging to any specific group of people. Therefore, please help consider and summarize the results from listening to specific groups of people. that would like to be disclosed on this occasion In order to jointly consider carefully to produce results for the Thai people,' Mr. Nikorn said.-318.

Source: Thai News Agency