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North Korea-Russia border train traffic is unusually heavy.

Center for International Strategic Studies. with offices in Washington in the United States said yesterday that Satellite images this week show that Rail traffic along the border between North Korea and Russia has become busier than usual. Many are concerned about the possibility of arms shipments following the summit between the two leaders.

Beyond Parallel, a project of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said Thursday's high-definition satellite images showed freight train cars. An unprecedented number: There are approximately 73 cars parked at Tumangan Station in Rason City. A North Korean border town bordering Russia, Beyond Parallel said traffic levels at the border had increased significantly compared to observations over the past five years, even compared to the previous period. An outbreak of COVID-19 occurred. No more than 20 locomotives have come to this station in the past five years.

The move comes after a rare summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin last month. The summit sparked speculation that It could lead to an agreement between the two countries in which Russia would help North Korea develop advanced weapons and in return North Korea would supply weapons and ammunition to Russia for use in the war against Ukraine. But the freight train's locomotives were covered with canvas, making them impossible to identify. Are the items at train stations in North Korea weapons and ammunition? Meanwhile, CBS News in the United States quoted an unnamed US official as saying: North Korea has begun delivering weapons to Russia.

Source: Thai News Agency