Thailand Recorder

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not afraid to be pressured Indicates that there is no need to hang “Pitha” from the media stock knot.

Election Commission of Thailand, June 9-"Itthiporn", Election Commission chairman, pointed out the ITV media stock examination. Do not have to hang "Pitha", the examination process takes time. Don't be afraid of social pressure to accelerate the announcement of certification. Next week, it's clear about the certification. But may order to count new points to add some units.

Itthiporn Boonprakong, chairman of the Election Commission, said in the event of an order to recount the votes at 47 polling stations. that it was a resolution of the Election Commission meeting because it was seen that the number of ballots with the number of people using the same rights But the counted scores do not match. may be caused by scoring incorrectly Therefore, it is necessary to recount the scores in 47 units. The recounting process must be done without delay. I think it should be done in less than 5 days. After that, the result of the vote counting must be sent to the ECT again, however, the new vote counting will not affect the change in the number of MPs received by each political party. Because only some units are counted

When asked if the law empowers the Election Commission to decide that if it does not affect the change in the ranking of MPs, it does not have to be recounted Voting card does not match the number of voters which is a different case with the cause Election Commission orders new vote count

However, there are still cases where the office The Election Commission will propose a new vote counting issue. Or order a new election for the Election Commission to consider, depending on the meeting. The Election Commission said what would be their opinion. The President of the Election Commission also mentioned about the announcement of the election results that the Election Commission could not gradually declare the results like local elections. because the law requires The Election Commission must declare at least 95 percent of the election results to be certified and cannot be announced gradually. In addition, it is currently in the process of consideration. that the elected Has been elected in good faith? If the Election Commission considers that there is a complaint By the procedure if there is an office request The Election Commission will consider whether it is a matter of merit and should accept the petition or not. If accepted, it will lead to the establishment of an investigation committee. and conduct investigations If not able to do so within 60 days, Election Commission of Thailand The result will be announced first and then proceeded later. It is expected that next week it will be clear when the results can be announced, but believes that the ECT will announce the results 60 days faster than in 2019, for sure because the ECT itself does not want delayed

Mr. Ittiporn also mentioned the case of Mr. Phitha's petition for holding media shares. Lim Chareonrat Candidate for the Prime Minister and leader of the Progressive Party That there are 3 petitions filed in the office process The Election Commission considers whether to accept the petition or not. and if not accepted as a request Whether to accept as an appearance to the Election Commission or not. If accepted, an inquiry committee will be set up. Let's carry out the investigation. and invite the accused to give a statement The investigation process can be done in conjunction with the declaration of results.

When asked if Mr. Pita must not be announced as an MP first or not, Mr. Ittiporn said he still could not say that. Now it's up to us to take this petition into consideration or not. and even if the request is taken into consideration Having set up an investigation committee, Mr. Pita must be fair. If the process has not completed or is not expected to complete There is no process that must obstruct the announcement of the results.

When asked if Mr. Phitha has signed a certification to send the applicants. MP as party leader will result in not declaring certification MPs for the party, too far away or not? But when asked if Progressive Party regulations It is stipulated that party members must not have prohibited characteristics in running for election. And if Mr. Phitha was pointed out as wrong? will affect accreditation MP for the far-reaching party or not, Mr. Ittiporn said that this matter is still in the process of consideration. Preliminary opinions cannot be made. because it is The Election Commission must consider jointly And it still takes a lot of time. But the whole thing It is relevant to all media stocks. Inviting Mr. Pitham to clarify was carried out after the committee had been set up.

Mr. Ittiporn said that he was not worried about social pressure. Election Commission to expedite approval of election results and complaints about Mr. Phitha We acknowledge public opinion. But we must obey the law. Practice cannot be ignored. As for Mr. Phitha Stated that if he becomes Prime Minister will get rid of independent organizations that are not independent I see that everyone has the right to offer their opinions and push them accordingly. We are just practitioners.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency