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OBEC secretary orders examination of student food ‘plain rice-boiled eggs’

Bangkok: OBEC Secretary General orders investigation into student food case. Eat plain rice - boiled eggs Emphasize that children must eat a full meal from all 5 food groups to promote appropriate development. On January 12, 2024, Second Lieutenant Thanu Wongchinda, Secretary-General of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC Secretary-General), revealed that as appeared on online media. In the case of a boarding school in Mae Hong Son Province Provide food for students: plain rice with boiled eggs and fish sauce. Until there was criticism on social media. Second Lieutenant Thanu said that the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC) has been informed of the issue. and did not become complacent Sent a legal officer The Office of Special Education Administration (EEF) has successfully visited the Mae Hong Son province. He has given orders to the said school director. Have you left the area and come to perform your duties yet? Central OBEC immediately In order not to affect the investigation and evidence At the same time, a committee was appointed to investigate the facts. To comply with disciplinary procedures The process will be expedited to be completed within 7 days. Second Lieutenant Thanu further said: In terms of policy, OBEC has instructed all schools to take care of food. An entire elementary school that has to take care of lunch. and boarding schools that must take care of all 3 meals for students Food must be prepared to be of good quality. Correct nutrition, complete with 5 food groups and sufficient quantity to satisfy everyone. In the past, there have been visits to the area without prior notice. It was found that most schools were able to do well. When inquiring with the students, they confirmed that The food provided by the school is of good quality. Correct according to nutritional principles But only a small percentage of them have bad behavior and OBEC will strictly follow the legal regulations. Because of student food nutrition It is the policy and orders of the Minister of Education (Pol ice General Permpoon Chidchob) who has emphasized that There must be no corruption in these matters. or take advantage of students Especially regarding the lunch program. or school milk Because it affects the health and development of students If the child eats a full meal They will study well and be happy, with the Minister of Education emphasizing that the OBEC must act quickly and honestly. which he instructed the committee to Hurry and investigate to find the facts. If found to have actually committed a crime, they will face disciplinary and criminal punishment. This is not only the schools under the Office of Special Education Administration. Schools under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office must ensure that there is supervision and monitoring of the quality of students' food to ensure that it is correct according to nutritional principles. Because the Cabinet (Cabinet) has resolved to increase the cost of lunch for students per capita. It shows that the government and the Cabinet are also giving importance to student lunch issues. Because we know that it affects the development of students. Therefore, I would like to reiterate this to the Educational Service Area Office. Office of Special Education Administration and all educational institutions across the country Strict care must be taken in this matter. 'In addition, today he invited administrators of educational institutions under the Office of the Educational Service Area Office to come to a joint meeting. to jointly design and put in place relevant measures And next week, there will be another meeting with school directors across the country who oversee student lunches. To emphasize the use of the budget in a transparent manner, without corruption, and providing food that is correct according to nutritional principles. which must be learned that We do not operate like a lost cow. Because in the past we have always had books emphasizing school lunches and milk. But if anyone whose behavior shows signs of dishonesty We mus t proceed according to the regulations strictly in every case. We wish all schools that are committed and dedicated not to lose their determination. If students or parents see dishonest behavior, You can report it to OBEC at the OBEC Secretary-General's page or at the OBEC Safety Center at 0 2288 5795. Please be sure that We are ready to take care of every student with impartiality and fairness. and ask parents including the public Be confident that The school takes good care of the nutritional health of all students. Let him have appropriate physical development according to his age and "study well and be happy" together with everyone," said the OBEC Secretary-General.-416- Source: Thai News Agency