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OIC rushes to help in the case of a car that crashed, lost control and fell into a ditch in Sing Buri.

Bangkok, OIC rushes to help with insurance. In the case of a pickup truck colliding with a sedan Lost control and fell into a ditch on the side of the road in Sing Buri Province, 5 people died. From the case of pickup trucks Registration number B.Ch.-8666 Ang Thong collided with a sedan. Registration number 5KK-9199 Bangkok and both cars lost control and fell into a ditch on the side of the road on Asia Road (on the way up), Village No. 4, Ban Mo Subdistrict, Phrom Buri District. Singburi Province As a result, there were 5 deaths on March 16, 2024, Office of the Insurance Commission (OIC) through the Benefits Protection Division. Regional Insurance and Promotion Line, OIC Office Region 2 (Nakhon Sawan) and OIC Office, Sing Buri Province As the owner of the incident area Verified insurance information As well as urgently following up on damage reports through the Platform, reporting information in the case of group or major accidents electronically. Preliminary investigation found that the pickup truck, reg istration number B.Ch.-8666 Ang Thong, has compulsory insurance (Act) with Mittrae Insurance Public Company Limited. Protection begins on September 30, 2023, ends coverage on September 30, 2024. In case of death or permanent total disability 500,000 baht per person. In the case of injury, the maximum treatment cost is not more than 80,000 baht per person. In the case of loss of organs 200,000-500,000 baht per person. In the case of permanent disability, 300,000 baht per person. And in the case of being treated in a hospital as an inpatient, you will receive daily compensation of 200 baht/day for a total of not more than 20 days and have purchased voluntary car insurance. 3 with Mitthae Insurance Public Company Limited, starting coverage on September 30, 2023, ending coverage on September 30, 2024. The policy provides coverage for damage to life, body, or health of third parties in the amount of 500,000 baht per person, 10,000,000 baht per time. Property liability 1,000,000 baht per time For personal accident coverage according to the documents attached to the policy In case of death loss of organs Disability for the driver in the amount of 50,000 baht, 2 passengers, 50,000 baht per person, and medical expenses in the amount of 50,000 baht per person. Insurance for the driver is 200,000 baht per time. For sedans Registration number 5KK-9199 Bangkok Obtain compulsory insurance (Act) with Thaipaiboon Insurance Public Company Limited. Protection starts on January 11, 2024, ends coverage on January 11, 2025. Coverage in case of death. or permanent total disability 500,000 baht per person. In the case of injury, the maximum treatment cost is not more than 80,000 baht per person. In the case of loss of organs 200,000-500,000 baht per person. In the case of permanent disability, 300,000 baht per person. And in the case of being treated in a hospital as an inpatient, you will receive daily compensation of 200 baht per day for a total of not more than 20 days and have purchased voluntary insurance, type 3, with Deves Insu rance Public Company Limited, starting coverage on the 5th. February 2024, coverage ends on February 5, 2025. The policy provides coverage for damage to life, body, or health of third parties in the amount of 500,000 baht per person, 10,000,000 baht per time, property liability 1,000,000 baht per time for personal accident coverage according to Documents attached to the policy In case of death loss of organs Disability for the driver in the amount of 100,000 baht, 2 passengers 100,000 baht per person and medical expenses in the amount of 100,000 baht per person. Insurance for the driver 300,000 baht per time. for following up on compensation for the families of those who died from this incident Initially, the outcome of the case is under investigation by investigators. The legal heirs of the 5 accident victims who died will initially receive protection from the insurance policy as follows: Pickup truck drivers Registration number B.Ch.-8666 Ang Thong will receive initial damages as funeral expenses. From th e compulsory car insurance policy (P.R.B.) in the amount of 35,000 baht and will receive accident coverage. Personal according to the documents attached to the policy In case of death Loss of organs and disability in the amount of 50,000 baht from a voluntary car insurance policy As for one passenger, he will receive compensation from the compulsory car insurance policy (P.R.B.) in the amount of 500,000 baht and from the voluntary car insurance policy, Type 3, covering personal accidents according to the documents attached to the policy. In case of death Loss of organs, disability, amount of 50,000 baht sedan car driver Registration number 5KK-9199 Bangkok will receive initial damages It is a funeral expense from the compulsory car insurance policy (P.R.B.) in the amount of 35,000 baht and will receive personal accident coverage according to the documents attached to the policy. In case of death loss of organs Disability of the driver in the amount of 100,000 baht from the voluntary car insurance policy, typ e 3. Two passengers will receive compensation from the compulsory car insurance policy (Act) of 500,000 baht each and from the car insurance policy. Voluntary sector type 3 covers personal accidents according to the documents attached to the policy. In case of death Loss of organs, disability, 100,000 baht each On March 16, 2024, OIC Office Region 2 (Nakhon Sawan) and OIC Office Singburi Province Has coordinated with the company Mitthae Insurance Public Company Limited, Thaipaiboon Insurance Public Company Limited, and Deves Insurance Public Company Limited to collect documents and facilitate quick compensation processing. Currently waiting for the legal heir to prepare documents for the insurance company. In addition, the OIC is in the process of integrating with the Thai Life Assurance Association. and the Thai General Insurance Association To further check that Do the victims or those who died in this event have additional insurance besides this? If it is found that you have insurance, you will receive al l rights specified in the insurance contract. The Office of the OIC would like to express its deepest condolences to the families of those who died in this accident. and ready to take full care of insurance Accidents can happen anywhere. Every time and with everyone For peace of mind You should give importance to insurance to help manage risks. Especially compulsory car insurance (Act), voluntary car insurance. and other types of insurance so that the insurance system can help manage risk and compensate for various losses that occur effectively. If you want to ask for more information or have not received fairness in insurance, contact the OIC hotline 1186. Source: Thai News Agency