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oil fund Lot 2 is expected to borrow another 20 billion in April.

Bangkok 17 Mar-Oil Fund Lot 2 is expected to borrow another 20 billion baht in April. On the side of the SOP, the loan frame for this year is only 80 billion baht from the special loan frame remaining 1.2 billion baht.

Mr. Wisak Wattanasap, director of the Oil Fund Office (NBA), revealed that from discussions with the Public Debt Management Office (PDB) regarding the loan under the Royal Decree (Decree) allowing the ministry to Fiscal guarantee for debt repayment of the Oil Fund Office, 2022, total amount of 1.5 billion baht to solve liquidity problems caused by energy price maintenance. Having previously borrowed 30 billion baht, the remaining loan amount is 1.2 billion baht, but considering the overall picture of the price situation and the reduction of diesel taxes, therefore, initially, the TCEB set a framework for this year's loan of 80 billion baht, which must The loan is completed in September 2023 and the NIA expects to start borrowing another 20 billion baht per month in April and May, respectively.

“At this moment, concerns about severe liquidity shortages have subsided. After the government manages to provide a vacuum during the election period There should be no problem for the Fund. Along with taking care of people's living costs by extending the excise tax reduction period for diesel fuel to 5 baht per liter until July 20, 2023, and taking care of household cooking gas through the state welfare card. While maintaining the price of cooking gas at 423 baht / barrel 15 kilograms until June 30, 2023, ”said Wisak.

Director of the Oil Fund Office said that with the image of such management of the government In addition, the world oil prices dropped. The fund's liquidity has therefore improved. Recently, about 300 million baht/day has flowed into the fund, or almost 10 billion baht/month. Therefore, the diesel price can be reduced to the public by 50 satang/liter per cycle and will reduce the third round on March 24, the price will be around 33.50 baht/liter, and if the situation improves next month, there will be Opportunity to reduce the price as well

The price of household cooking gas which is currently sold at 423 baht/keg, 15 kg until June 30, 2023, is still a price lower than the actual cost of about 8.80 baht/kg or 132 baht/keg, with the actual price likely to be around 555 baht/keg fund have to subsidize about 27 million baht/day or 600 baht/month, with the LPG account fund already minus 46,372 million baht from the subsidy frame of 48,000 million baht, which from the use of additional budget subsidies through the state welfare card 2022 fine An additional 20 baht is 100 baht per person per 3 months during April-June 2023. It caused the concern that the fund May have to go in for more care. and it is expected that if this level of support is still available The already approved framework is 48,000 million baht, and there is no need to increase it. which will wait for the new government to consider

However, oil price volatility still has many factors. must continuously monitor and manage fund liquidity keep up with the situation It can be seen that there are important events. fuel price Between February 13 and March 15, 2023, there are many factors that cause fluctuations in fuel prices, such as Russia reducing oil production by 500,000 barrels per day. In March, or 5% of total production China's economic expansion after country opening The Federal Reserve signaled another interest rate hike. US dollar volatility And if the US government orders the closure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank (SB), including financial status that needs help. of Credit Suisse, the second largest bank in Switzerland.

As for the oil fund, on March 12, 2023, the net oil fund was negative 99,662 million baht, divided into a negative oil account of 53,290 million baht and a negative LPG account of 46,372 million baht.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency