Thailand Recorder

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One giant pumpkin weighs 380 kg.

Chiang Mai, Garden opens to show giant pumpkins weighing up to 380 kilograms, the work of Maejo alumni. giant pumpkin This big fruit Anyone who sees it can't resist. Must take a photo to keep as a souvenir - during this time, until April 7th at Suan Phanawat, Bo Luang Subdistrict, Hot District, Chiang Mai Province, opening a garden showing giant pumpkins. For those interested, with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Weeraphon Thongma, Acting President of Maejo University. Chaired the opening of the 2024 Giant Pumpkin Show of Suan Phanawat. which is the work of Maejo alumni As well as providing scholarships for professional development studies and agricultural work to alumni who have created works. 'Giant Pumpkin' displayed this time It is a breed from the United States. The variety was obtained in 2020 to be tested and grown in order to promote tourism in the area. and develop agricultural academics, improving techniques and methods for growing pumpkins so that pumpkins can grow in areas of Thailand. It is the work of a gro up of Maejo Suan Phanawat alumni. From many generations coming together to create products (from the 60th, 61st, 65th, 69th, 72nd batches) with Dr. Surasak Chanopas, a Maejo alumnus, class 37, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Preeda Natewet, a professor in the Faculty of Agricultural Production. Waiting to give advice This year's giant pumpkin production was satisfactory. The largest cub is 380 kilograms, considered the highest record ever recorded in Thailand. It is now on display at Thantham Waterfall Park. In the area of ??Suan Phanawat, Bo Luang Subdistrict, Hot District, Chiang Mai Province, from April 1 until April 7. Source: Thai News Agency