Thailand Recorder

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Order to appoint a secondary examination committee The director of a school in Khon Kaen accepted a bribe.

Khon Kaen, Director of the Educational Service Area Office Khon Kaen Primary Education Area 1 orders the school to set up a committee to investigate the facts of the deputy director of a school. Accepting bribes in the form of money to transfer students during the academic year Due to the Bureau of Investigation and Special Affairs Coordinate information from Mr. Theerat Bangpetch, office director. NACC Khon Kaen Province that he received a complaint accusing the deputy director of a school in Khon Kaen of using his power in his position to demand monetary bribes in order to transfer students during the academic year. The said deputy director informed the accuser, who was a parent who wanted to transfer his child to primary school. 3 of the aforementioned schools that he had to donate 20,000 baht, but because the accused's child passed the literacy criteria Therefore reduced to 10,000 baht, payable in cash only. It is not paid at the finance room like tuition fees. Along with informing that it is administra tive money at the price rate that the school's teacher committee has agreed to collect money in cash only. Including not informing that the said amount was a donation to the school according to regulations. Or is it money that has been collected to be used for any expenses of the school or students? They also did not inform that a receipt would be issued. or have the money paid to the school's finance department in any way Just informing them to bring the said amount of money to the said deputy director in the room. which is directly a private office room And if you pay the said amount, you will be admitted to the said school. Even though the accused's son passed the test. and there was no notification in the application form or any other documents from the school. and publicly disseminate such charges. Today, Mr. Bunyen Hoisongkram, Deputy Director of the Educational Service Area Office Khon Kaen Primary Education Area 1 or Khon Kaen Primary Education Area 1 revealed that the said deputy director Was charg ed under Sections 147 and 157, with the school director using his position to bail out the deputy director. Mr. Aryan Saengnikul, Director of the Educational Service Area Office Khon Kaen Primary Education District 1 ordered the school to set up a committee to investigate the facts that had already occurred. Giving time to summarize all matters today (1 May) before sending to the office for acknowledgment. Before setting up a fact-finding committee, the office's legal staff will be responsible. It is expected that it will take 30 days to investigate, along with an order for the deputy director of the said school to move to help with government work at the office. Until the investigation into the incident is completed. After that, the offense will be considered to determine which category it belongs to. In the past, the office invited NACC and Auditor General officials to provide training and knowledge to school administrators. In order to prevent corruption But in the end, a complaint came to the NACC until NACC officials planned to receive Pae Jea's money. Source: Thai News Agency