Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Order to cancel joint parliamentary meeting tomorrow.

Parliament, "Wan Nor" orders a joint parliamentary meeting to be canceled on 16 Feb. because "Chusak" asked to withdraw the draft NACC-Criminal Procedure Act, etc. Go review it carefully. Mr. Wan Muhammad Noor Matha, Speaker of the National Assembly, said in an interview that the joint parliamentary meeting on February 16 will consider three agenda items, consisting of the draft Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand. Amendment (No. ..) Buddhist Era.... repealing Section 272 regarding voting for the Prime Minister, draft organic law (Act) Concerning prevention and suppression of corruption and the draft Organic Act on criminal procedure for persons holding political positions states that Ordered to cancel the meeting Because Mr. Chusak Sirinil, MP, list The Pheu Thai Party would like to withdraw the draft anti-corruption bill and the draft criminal justice bill first, arguing that they would like to take it back for consideration and review. In order to be careful, it will be taken back into consideration a t the joint parliamentary meeting again. 'But requesting permission to bring it back for review must ask for a resolution from the parliamentary meeting whether it agrees or not. Because the said draft is already on the agenda. I saw that it would be a waste of time to open a meeting and request a meeting resolution. Therefore, he ordered the meeting to be canceled and asked for a resolution at the next joint parliamentary meeting. It is not yet known when the next appointment will be made. Because we need to look at the readiness and joint meeting of the three whips,' said the Speaker of the Parliament when asked what the agenda would be to consider the draft constitution. that Mr. Chaithawat Tulathon, MP, list and the leader of the Move Forward Party was the one who proposed Mr. Wan Muhammad Noor said that Mr. Chaithawat had intended since the last time that he had not yet presented it at the meeting because the draft constitution was already being considered for amendment. The matter that Mr. Chaithawat proposed is related. And another thing in May. The senator will also have his term of office expired. Section 272 will not have any power. Therefore, amending or not amending it will not have any effect Source: Thai News Agency