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“Pae Thong Than” announces that it is ready to change the look of “Pheu Thai”

Pheu Thai Party "Pae Thong Than" declares he is ready to change the look of "Pheu Thai" and make it a party of learning.

Meeting of Pheu Thai Party MPs, Ms. Paethongthan Shinawatra, head of the Pheu Thai family, said that at 9:30 a.m. on October 27, there will be an extraordinary general meeting of the Pheu Thai Party, asking everyone to come together. And he thought that he wanted to talk about changes within the party. Because we learned a lot from the past elections. While the party The PAD has been in government under the leadership of Mr. Settha for 2 months and has made many achievements. And we have plans to change the party to include more information. And it is a party that is ready to have more learning organizations.

Ms. Pae Thongthan further said that she wants to make the Pheu Thai Party There is a constant search for knowledge. Always in every aspect Both the areas we are good at and those we are not good at. On the occasion of the Pheu Thai Party being the party that formed the government. He would like cooperation from the coalition parties in providing knowledge in each area as well. Because some people may not have much knowledge in ministries, so let's share our knowledge and abilities and what we think of many people in various ministries. want to learn together This point is the point that he would like to promote. - Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency