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“Pae Thongtarn” said it was good news after the name “Thaksin” received a suspended sentence.

Pheu Thai, "Pae Thong Than" stated that it is good news after the name "Thaksin" received a suspended sentence. It is believed that if he gets a rest and the doctor gives permission. Will definitely come out to meet the people. Emphasize that everything is according to the same process as other prisoners. Ms. Pae Thongthan Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party leader Referring to the case where the name of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former Prime Minister, is among more than 900 names who have received a suspended sentence. that before this the names were not known I just found out from online news. But the family knew the principles. This has not been confirmed in the past. I just found out along with the public. Which is accepted as good news this morning. As for whether Mr. Thaksin will be seen or not, we are not yet sure what the procedure will be. But when Mr. Thaksin returned home and rested and the doctor gave permission, he thought that Mr. Thaksin would definitely come out. Because I've been sleeping in my room for 6 months now, I want you to rest comfortably. To come out strong As for whether or not he must continue treatment or not, Initially, the doctor hasn't told him yet. But he had talked that if he received a suspended sentence, he would have the doctor come and check his health at home. As for the place to stay after this, it will still be Ban Chan Song La. which has already been prepared for cleaning As for the date on which the suspension is due, it will be February 18 or 22. Ms. Pae Thongthan said she would have to ask the Department of Corrections what criteria they use. The evaluation of the suspension consists of many things. It is not a single agency. and those who are entitled to a suspended sentence Not just Mr. Thaksin And Mr. Thaksin went through this process like everyone else. Are you worried that there will be many groups opposing the suspension of the sentence? Ms. Pae Thongthan said that Mr. Thaksin is a Prime Minister who has made many contributions to the country. Even though I left the country for 17 years, during these 17 years, many people didn't know me. If you get to know and know that you have made many contributions to the country Received justice and unfairness mixed together. In the past, the family had assured Mr. Thaksin that Coming back to serve a limited sentence for 6 months at the age of 75 years. Today it's time to rest my sentence. When I return home, I wish that I will have strong and complete physical strength to come out and live my life in Thailand. Be happy and hope that wherever you go there will be people waiting to receive you as you had hoped for. that he will go out and meet the people And hope that after the prison break and returning home everything will be fine. Source: Thai News Agency