Thailand Recorder

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“Paethongtarn” accepts all suggestions and deeply understands the opposition.

Paetongtarn" Prime Minister accepts all suggestions and is ready to continue "Settha's" policy to suppress drugs, saying that he deeply understands the opposition, the issue of forming a government, indicating that every voice has no less dignity, asking the opposition to join in creating constructive debate, not creating rhetoric or hatred until the opposition is the one who holds a grudge. In the joint parliamentary meeting to consider urgent matters, the cabinet announced its policies to the parliament. Ms. Paetongtarn Shinawatra, the Prime Minister, stood up to thank all suggestions from fellow MPs and confirmed that she had listened to everyone clearly. She also confirmed that in many policies that fellow members had raised, some policies had already been completed or some policies were being managed and some had already begun, such as the suspension of farmer debts, which had already been suspended. Regarding drugs, the relevant ministers have already explained that we will continue the drug policy f rom Mr. Settha Thavisin, the former Prime Minister. When Mr. Settha was the Prime Minister, we started border protection to prevent the smuggling of drugs into the country. I have already talked to many relevant parties. Including arresting major drug dealers, which will result in the small dealers disappearing. In addition, regarding the drug problem, I have always heard from local MPs that the people are concerned about this issue. Therefore, it is something that cannot be delayed. We are trying to focus on this issue intensely. I have started to plan how I can go down to different areas because this is a really important issue. It is something that the villagers have reflected to the MPs, saying, "No more digital wallets, let's focus on drugs first," and it has been conveyed to me. Of course, we have to take care of every sector. For the amendment of the constitution, we have also started doing it, which is through a process that must be expedited through the process in parliament, where everyone is invo lved, and it must be done simultaneously. Ms. Paethongtarn continued that importantly, as Prime Minister, she would like to accept advice to learn from the history of wounds, adhere to the rule of law, and we will try to do our best. 'Many times, I understand very well, deeply understand the opposition in terms of forming a government. Because many years ago, the Pheu Thai Party also formed a government and got the most votes, but it was also unsuccessful. And the Pheu Thai Party and the Move Forward Party sat in the opposition for 4 years. We still remember and really understand this point. But today, the Pheu Thai Party was elected by 10.9 million people, which is also the voice of the people. The coalition parties also received the voice of the people. Every voice is the voice of the Thai people. There is no voice that is more dignified or less dignified than the other,' said Ms. Paethongtarn. Ms. Paethongtarn continued that she would like to ask everyone to join together to create constructive debates, not create hateful rhetoric, and not cause misunderstandings on various topics because we are the new generation. We are people who live in today's society and can be examples for our fellow citizens that if we come together, we can have constructive politics and do not need to use hateful rhetoric to cause division in society, which is not necessary. And now is not the election campaign period, so we do not need to create those things to cause misunderstandings. We need to see the image of the country as a whole rather than our own image. At the end, Ms. Paethongtarn said that when she finished her policy statement, she had the opportunity to talk to many agencies that were currently dealing with the flooding, especially the flooding in Chiang Rai Province. Before she had the authority to give orders, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Minister of Interior, Minister of Transport, and related ministers had already given orders in advance and had already reached the area. Therefore, it was som ething that the government quickly took action on as well. It is something that we should join hands in to overcome the various crises of the country together, not to create hatred. And 'I don't want the opposition to have grudges and be the ones holding grudges instead. We have to understand that we can stay in this parliament with a true understanding.' Source: Thai News Agency