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Pakistan plans to deport Afghans

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan has opened a center to process the repatriation of illegal Afghans.

Pakistan will open repatriation processing centers across the country today. To repatriate up to 1 million 700,000 Afghans who came to live in Pakistan illegally, giving these people until today the last day to voluntarily return to the country. From now on, these people will be deported. It has been found that since the authorities began issuing orders for their return in early October, More than 100,000 Afghans have already left, and yesterday more than 20,000 Afghans gathered at the border waiting to return as today's deadline neared. Authorities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, northwestern Pakistan. which is the province where the majority of Afghan refugees live, stated that The repatriation center will open from November 1. It takes about 1-2 days to process the return of Afghans. Anyone who refuses will be arrested and deported.

Afghan refugees collect their belongings after Pakistani authorities demolish houses at a refugee camp in Islamabad.

Pakistani officials gave the reason for the deportation of the Afghans: To protect the welfare and safety of the people of Pakistan. After it was found that attacks occurred frequently. which the Pakistani government blames on fighters operating in Afghanistan. The policy of repatriating Afghans has overwhelming support among Pakistanis because these refugees use Pakistan's resources to provide infrastructure. must bear a heavy burden

The Taliban government said Pakistan's policies are cruel and barbaric. While Human Rights Watch stated that The Pakistani government has used threats, harassment, and imprisonment of Afghan refugees. These people face risks from the still dangerous situation in Afghanistan. Activists are asking the Pakistani government to give these refugees time to prepare to return because some of them have been living in Pakistan for decades.

Source: Thai News Agency